
  • Created by: Alasdai
  • Created on: 02-05-24 10:44
"she already hates Jordan because he spits on the stairs"

"Jordan loves smashing bottles... his eyes go all big and shiny"
shows how Jordan's upbringing has caused him to perform antisocial behaviours as he has grown up thinking he can do whatever as the police don't do anything
1 of 5
"i pulled the was well sick"

"i cant wait to shoot someone"
shows how Jordan has an infatuation for violence and wants to take the lives of others as he has grown up thinking it is right to take lives as he has watched those around him get killed
2 of 5
"Jordan blasted it at my legs. He did it proper hard to make it hurt"

"Jordan's hand around my neck was making me cough"
Shows Jordan as aggressive and a sadistic, enjoying the violence he is inflicting on Harri. This could have been cause by him being abused at home so he takes it out on Harri as that is what he has grown up thinking is right.
3 of 5
"the bus was coming.… I waited for Jordan's command"
shows Jordan as a bad influence as he is convincing Harri to join in on his antisocial activities like throwing rocks at buses. shows Jordan as manipulative and exploiting Harri's trust in him.
4 of 5
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


"i pulled the was well sick"

"i cant wait to shoot someone"


shows how Jordan has an infatuation for violence and wants to take the lives of others as he has grown up thinking it is right to take lives as he has watched those around him get killed

Card 3


"Jordan blasted it at my legs. He did it proper hard to make it hurt"

"Jordan's hand around my neck was making me cough"


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


"the bus was coming.… I waited for Jordan's command"


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the front of card 5


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