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6. what is the meaning of salvation

  • to be saved from sins through jesus dying
  • nothing
  • something to do with god

7. what happened in the crucifixion of jesus

  • he never made it to the cross
  • jesus had to carry his cross on his back and died a painful death
  • jesus was put on the cross and died quickly

8. what do christians believe about judgement

  • you live or die
  • nothing
  • that one day the end of the world will come and people will be judged by God
  • you go to court

9. was jesus fully God or just half?

  • fully god
  • half god
  • not god at all

10. what was the place inbetween called

  • the ground
  • purgatory
  • the sky
  • hell

11. meaning of atonement

  • to start believing in god
  • being friends with a christin
  • restoring the relationship between humanity and god
  • atoms

12. where do people believe you go if you live a good life

  • the good place
  • hell
  • heaven
  • mcdonalds

13. what is original sin

  • being bad
  • all humans are born with original sin
  • going against god
  • not agreeing with god