Jekyll and Hyde - General Quiz (Part 1)

What theory was prominent at the time when Darwin published 'The Origin of Species'?
Theory of Evolution
1 of 20
The idea of a scientist playing God and suffering the consequences links to what prominent theme?
Science vs Religion
2 of 20
Other than the characters, what does Stevenson use to emphasise the theme of duality?
3 of 20
Using nightmarish imagery of London (through weather - fog) and comparing it with Hyde is known as ...
Urban terror
4 of 20
A tendency to relapse into a previous condition of mode of behaviour is known as ...
5 of 20
Hyde did not live up to Victorian ideals and expectations of conforming to what image?
Typical Victorian Gentleman
6 of 20
Where is Jekyll and Hyde set?
7 of 20
What is a key symbol in the title of the first chapter? - it can hide secrets or open new opportunities...
8 of 20
What does the word "countenance" mean?
9 of 20
What did Utterson drink "when he was alone"?
10 of 20
What word in "his affections, like ivy, were the growth of time" could show Utterson as a strong yet suffocating friend?
11 of 20
During their first encounter, what type of "smile" did Utterson say Hyde had?
12 of 20
What did Utterson claim Hyde had "upon his face"?
"Satan's signature"
13 of 20
Jekyll states: "I would trust you before any man alive, ay, before myself" about which character?
14 of 20
What happened to the bones of Sir Danver Carew?
They were "audibly shattered"
15 of 20
How was the maid who was associated with Hyde described?
"An evil face smoothed by hypocrisy"
16 of 20
What did Utterson recognise that was "broken and battered" after the murder as he had given it to Jekyll?
A cane
17 of 20
How is Jekyll described after the murder of Sir Danvers Carew?
"Deadly sick"
18 of 20
Who is Mr Guest?
The Head Clerk
19 of 20
How long was Jekyll at peace for before returning to seclusion?
More than 2 months
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The idea of a scientist playing God and suffering the consequences links to what prominent theme?


Science vs Religion

Card 3


Other than the characters, what does Stevenson use to emphasise the theme of duality?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Using nightmarish imagery of London (through weather - fog) and comparing it with Hyde is known as ...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


A tendency to relapse into a previous condition of mode of behaviour is known as ...


Preview of the front of card 5
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