
Animal - l'animale, dog - il cane, hamster - il criceto, a budgie - il pappagallino, a fish - il pesce, a bird - l'uccello, a frog - la rana, a parrot - il pappagallino, a mouse - il tupo, a cat - il gatto, a tortoise - la tartaruga
a snake - la serpente, a rat - il ratto, a rabbit - il coniglio, a horse - il cavallo, a guinea pig - la cavia, which/who - che
1 of 7
mi chiama - my name is, alto/a - tall, dolce - sweets, ciao bella - hello/bye, piccalo - small, sono - i am, buongiorno - hello, staccato - short and sharp music, diavolo - devil, formaggio - four cheeses, abbastanza - quite
buona sera - good evening, buona notte - good night, Arrivederci - greeting, arrivaderla - formal goodbye, como stai? - how are you?, non c'e male - not too bad, lei come si chiama? - formal whats your name? piacere - its a pleasure
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a = fem singular, i = masculine plural, e = fem plural, o = masculine singular.... o --> i, a--> e, e--> i
lo --> gli = masculine nouns beginning with s or z, il --> i = masculine nouns with other consonants, l' --> gli = masculine nouns beginning with a vowel, la --> le = feminine nouns beginning with consonants, L' --> le = feminine nouns a vowel
3 of 7
Una volta alle settimana - once a week, due volte al mese - twice a month, tre volte all'anno - three times a year, due ore al giorno - two hours a day, durante la settimana - during the weekdays, ogni giorno - everyday, ogni sera - every evening
ogni venerdi - every friday, ogni tanto - occasionally, qualque volta/spesso - sometimes/often, assorutamente - absolutely, venire - to come, vedere - to see, anche - also, fare - to do/make, attraverso - across/around, puoi - you can
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Modal verbs: volere - to want, dovere - to have to, potere - to be able to.... modal verb + infinitive + action :)
Vicino a - near, trovo - situated, campagna - countryside, giardini - gardens, piu alta- tallest, altro - other, vorrei - i would like, mettere - to put, condivido - i share, destra - right, sinistra - left, davanti a = in front of
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di/d' = of/from, a = at/to/from, da = from/by, con = with, su = on, per = for, tra/fra = between, di fronte a = opposite, accanto a = near to, vicino a = next to, intorno a = around, circondato da = surrounded by, dietro a = behind,
mi sveglio = i wake up, me lavo i denti = i clean my teeth, mi alzo = i get up, mi vesto = i get dressed, faccio colazione = i do breakfast, ceno = i lunch, pranzo = i dine, vado a scuola = i go to school, guardo la televisone = i watch tv
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torno a casa = i return home, faccio i competi = i do my homework, mi spoglio = i change my clothes, vado a letto = i go to bed, faccio la doccia = i do a shower, mi addormento = i fall asleep, esco di casa = i leave the house
sederci = to seat oneself, togliersi = to take off oneself, prepararsi = to get oneself prepared, pettinarsi = to comb oneself, mettersi = to put one self in a place..., rodersi = to shave oneself, svegliarsi = to wake oneself, guardarsi = to look at
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


buona sera - good evening, buona notte - good night, Arrivederci - greeting, arrivaderla - formal goodbye, como stai? - how are you?, non c'e male - not too bad, lei come si chiama? - formal whats your name? piacere - its a pleasure


mi chiama - my name is, alto/a - tall, dolce - sweets, ciao bella - hello/bye, piccalo - small, sono - i am, buongiorno - hello, staccato - short and sharp music, diavolo - devil, formaggio - four cheeses, abbastanza - quite

Card 3


lo --> gli = masculine nouns beginning with s or z, il --> i = masculine nouns with other consonants, l' --> gli = masculine nouns beginning with a vowel, la --> le = feminine nouns beginning with consonants, L' --> le = feminine nouns a vowel


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


ogni venerdi - every friday, ogni tanto - occasionally, qualque volta/spesso - sometimes/often, assorutamente - absolutely, venire - to come, vedere - to see, anche - also, fare - to do/make, attraverso - across/around, puoi - you can


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Vicino a - near, trovo - situated, campagna - countryside, giardini - gardens, piu alta- tallest, altro - other, vorrei - i would like, mettere - to put, condivido - i share, destra - right, sinistra - left, davanti a = in front of


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This is a good resource but there are a few mistakes here and there that need to be fixed up before some poor person learns them incorrectly!

il tupo needs to be changed to 'il topo' (first card)

mi chiama should be 'mi chiamo' 2nd card

piccalo should be piccolo (2nd card)

formaggio means just 'cheese' not four cheeses, as that would be 'quattro formaggi'

Should be 'una volta allA settimana' (4th card)

'accanto a'=NEXT TO and 'vicino a'=NEAR TO. On the card their meanings are swapped around. (6th card)

should be 'faccio i compiti' (7th card)

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