
State Your Hypothesis?
People who are bilingual will have better reaction times than people who are non-bilingual.
1 of 10
state 3 possible cofounding variables?
1) difference in age and gender, 2) the IQ's, 3) environmental conditions
2 of 10
explain the experimental design used and advantage/disadvantage?
Matched pairs - narrowed down cofounding variables and its time consuming
3 of 10
What sampling Method was used?
Quota- to be able to match the pairs and to narrow down variables
4 of 10
what type of measurement was used?
interval data
5 of 10
how did you present your data?
line graph, to see relationship
6 of 10
how did you operationalise your IV
Bilingual participants had a criteria of being able to maintain a complex conversation in welsh
7 of 10
how did you operationalise the DV?
a statistical reaction time programs used to measure reflex reaction time
8 of 10
state how would you improve internal/external reliability?
internal- same program, same interviewer... external - test-re test
9 of 10
how did you test for validity in your research?
asked a expert, compared results, and used same nervier
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


state 3 possible cofounding variables?


1) difference in age and gender, 2) the IQ's, 3) environmental conditions

Card 3


explain the experimental design used and advantage/disadvantage?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What sampling Method was used?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what type of measurement was used?


Preview of the front of card 5
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