Inverting Voltage amplifiers

  • Created by: Natmac
  • Created on: 24-03-20 11:36
What does Saturating mean?
The amplifier output stops increasing, even if the input continues to increase.
1 of 7
What is the gain of an op-amp with no negative feedback?
10 to the power of six
2 of 7
Why is the output limited to the supply voltage?
There is no way to exceed the supply voltage
3 of 7
What is the voltage amplifier
Any circuit that puts out a higher voltage than the input voltage
4 of 7
Why can the voltage at the inverting input can be treated like ground?
This is because the inverting input is so small
5 of 7
why is the circuit input impedance approx equal to the value of the input resistor (Ri)
The reason for this is that an op-amp has a very high input impedance. As soon as a resistor is put on to its input terminal this resistor will be much lower value
6 of 7
why is the circuit input impedance approx equal to the value of the input resistor (Ri) part 2
which now makes the input resistance/impedance to the op-amp to be equal to the input resistor value
7 of 7

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the gain of an op-amp with no negative feedback?


10 to the power of six

Card 3


Why is the output limited to the supply voltage?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the voltage amplifier


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why can the voltage at the inverting input can be treated like ground?


Preview of the front of card 5
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