Internal Factors of Education

  • Created by: Emera
  • Created on: 03-05-24 13:53
Teacher Labelling
When a student is labelled by a teacher based off personal interactions. The label can influence the student to behave in a certain way and manifest the given label. Affecting their attitudes in learning and achievement.
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Self-fulfilling prophecy
Additional concept to teacher labelling, that a student will manifest their label.
Middle class students are labelled as motivated and intelligent, so teachers give them extra work. Working class students are labelled as naughty, making them feel targete
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Streaming and Setting
Students in education are grouped based on their academic ability to achieve, put into a group hierarchy. This can be negatively impact students from working class, as they are labelled as 'dumb' and placed into bottom sets.
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Streaming and Education Triage
Schools preform as a triage, categorizing students based on if they will achieve. They label some as a 'hopeless case', those who are a waste of effort and will fail. As well as a 'borderline case', the students require extra pressure to pass.
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Ethnocentric Curriculum
An attitude that prioritizes one culture into their education system, disregarding other ethnic groups. Most British schools are ethnocentric, having a whitely dominated culture.
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Access to opportunities
(Gillborn's theory)
Gillborn reveals that white students are twice as likely to be entered into a Gifted and Talented program. Additionally, ethnic minorities are entered into lower exam tiers.
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The 'new IQism'
The assumption that working class and minority students are more likely to fail. Justifying the rationing of revision supports to white middle class students. Teachers believing there is a fixed potential among students.
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Feminization of teaching
Increase of female teachers has proved to be positive for female students. Introduction of coursework have improved women's grades as they show more consideration to presentation.
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Card 2


Additional concept to teacher labelling, that a student will manifest their label.
Middle class students are labelled as motivated and intelligent, so teachers give them extra work. Working class students are labelled as naughty, making them feel targete


Self-fulfilling prophecy

Card 3


Students in education are grouped based on their academic ability to achieve, put into a group hierarchy. This can be negatively impact students from working class, as they are labelled as 'dumb' and placed into bottom sets.


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Card 4


Schools preform as a triage, categorizing students based on if they will achieve. They label some as a 'hopeless case', those who are a waste of effort and will fail. As well as a 'borderline case', the students require extra pressure to pass.


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Card 5


An attitude that prioritizes one culture into their education system, disregarding other ethnic groups. Most British schools are ethnocentric, having a whitely dominated culture.


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