INTERNAL- Ethnicity and Educational Achievement

What is a definition of internal factors
factors within the education system
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What are the 4 internal factors that impact educational attainment (ETHNICITY)
Ethnocentric Curriculum - Institutional Racism - Labelling - Pupil Subcultures
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describes an attitude or policy that gives priority to now culture, while disregarding the others
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Which TWO sociologists highlighted we had an ethnocentric curriculum
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What do Troyna and Williams say about British schools
that we have an ethnocentric curriculum because it gives priority to English culture
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Which sociologist expanded and followed on from Troyna and Williams' ideas
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What did Ball say about the British curriculum
it is ethnocentric because it focuses on British history, rather than Asian or Black
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What does Ball say that ethnic minorities will feel when they are only taught about British culture, rather than their own
May feel isolated and invisible, it could lower their self esteem which ultimately could lead to educational failure
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Who are the TWO sociologists who gave INSTITUTIONAL RACISM as an internal factor for ethnic minorities poor educational attainment
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What does Hatcher say about how schools can be institutionally racist
HATCHER found that schools failed to deal with pupils racist behaviour
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What does Gillborn say about how schools can be institutionally racist
because schools can select pupils , it puts ethnic minorities at a disadvantage and favours white middle class pupils.
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when a definition is attached to a pupil
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What have INTERACTIONALISTS found out about labelling (ideal student)
Interactionalists found that teacher see Black and Asian pupils far from their ideal student and these negative labels can disadvantage them in the future
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Who are the TWO sociologists who gave LABELLING as an internal factor for ethnic minorities poor educational attainment
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What did Gillborn find in relation to labelling
teachers were quick to discipline Black students over White students for the same behaviour
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What key term did Gillborn mention when talking about teachers and labelling
teachers had RACIALISED EXPECTATIONS, in that they expect Black students to present challenging behaviour
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What did Wright say about the way teachers spoke to Asians
WRIGHT found that teacher spoke down to Asian students, suggesting that they did not have a grasp of English.
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What happened to Asians as a result of the way teachers spoke to them (WRIGHT)
Became marginalised and left out of class discussions. HOWEVER, despite this, Teachers still expected Asians to achieve high grades
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How does the internal factor of PUPIL SUBCULTURES, link to the other internal factor of LABELLING
Often pupils form subcultures as a response to labelling
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Who is the ONE sociologists who gave PUPIL SUBCULTURES as an internal factor for ethnic minorities poor educational attainment
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Who did Fuller study and what did it try to understand
Fuller studied a group of Black high achieving girls in order to understand how labelling can influence students in different ways.
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What did Fuller find in his study
He found that instead of the Black girls accepting their negative labels, they channelled their anger into motivation to work hard and achieve highly. They also did not seek teacher approval.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 4 internal factors that impact educational attainment (ETHNICITY)


Ethnocentric Curriculum - Institutional Racism - Labelling - Pupil Subcultures

Card 3




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Card 4


Which TWO sociologists highlighted we had an ethnocentric curriculum


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Card 5


What do Troyna and Williams say about British schools


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