Interference Theory

What does interference mean?
Two pieces of information conflict with each other resulting in the forgetting of one thing
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What is proactive interference?
When an older memory interferes with a newer memory
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What is retroactive interference?
When a newer memory interferes with an older memory
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What did McGeoch & McDonald's study into interference find?
A group that were given synonyms performed worst and suggests that when memories are more similar there is more interference
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What is a weakness with using lab studies to look at interference?
They mostly look at word lists which are easier to remember than things in everyday life (not visible outside lab setting)
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What study did Baddeley and Hitch (1977) do and what did they discover?
Looked at rugby player's ability to recall information. They discovered that the results were dependent on what happened between the time frames of the games they had played (interference can be seen in everyday situations)
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What is a weakness of the studies that look at interference?
They are manipulated to bring about the desired response
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What does the theory of trace decay suggest?
That all memory leaves a trace on the brain
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What does the trace decay theory state?
Forgetting occurs as a result of the automatic decay or fading of the memory trace
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What happens after 30 seconds if information is not rehearsed in the short term memory?
It decays and is forgotten
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What is a problem with the trace decay theory?
Can't control the events that happen between learning and recall
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What study demonstrates trace decay happening?
Peterson & Peterson.
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What did Sperling (1960) suggest about decay?
There is evidence to suggest that information is lost through decay from the sensory memory
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is proactive interference?


When an older memory interferes with a newer memory

Card 3


What is retroactive interference?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did McGeoch & McDonald's study into interference find?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a weakness with using lab studies to look at interference?


Preview of the front of card 5
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