Inorganic- Chlorine and Chlorate

  • Created by: Hindleyc
  • Created on: 16-06-18 18:10
name for a reaction where an element is simultaneously oxidised and reduced
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Chlorine and water?
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What is happening?
Chlorine is both simultaneously oxidising and reducing
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What happens if universal indicator is added to solution?
First turn red due to acidity of both reaction products. will then turn colourless as the HClO bleaches the colour
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Reaction of chlorine with water in sunlight?
If the chlorine's bubbled through water in presence of bright sunlight a different reaction occurs- 2Cl2+2H2O=4H+ +4Cl-+O2
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When does same reaction occur?
To equilibrium mixture of chlorine water- greenish colour of chlorine water fades as Cl2 react and a colourless gas CO2 is produced
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What is the greenish colour of these solutions due to?
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What is Chlorine used in
Water treatment to kill bacteria- used to treat drinking water and the water in swimming pools
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Why is it used?
The benefits to health of water treatment by chlorine outweighs its toxic effect
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What will Cl2 ( and Br2 and I2) in aqueous solution react with? What will happen?
Cold sodium hydroxide. Colour os halogen solution will fade to colourless
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What is the mixture of NaCl and NaClO used as? what for?
Bleach to disinfect/kill bacteria
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What are the various forms of sulphur and chlorine compounds where oxygen is combined called?
Sulphates and Chlorates
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What do they have on their name?
Relevant oxidation numbers given in Roman numerals (remember to *** oxidation no. when naming compounds
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Sodium Chlorate (I)
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Sodium Chlorate (V)
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Potassium Sulfate(VI)
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Potassium Sulfate (IV)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Chlorine and water?



Card 3


What is happening?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens if universal indicator is added to solution?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Reaction of chlorine with water in sunlight?


Preview of the front of card 5
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