INFO 2 Crossword

INFO 2 Keyword crossword

  • Created by: M_Khan
  • Created on: 10-03-13 00:23
Input, processing, storage and transfer of data and the output of information
1 of 15
Raw Facts and figures without a meaning or context e.g 0, 1, 2, 7
2 of 15
Processed data with meaning e.g Brian, Lucy and Bob are names on a class register
3 of 15
Data coded on collection before inputted on a system, small simple and unique e.g values 1-5, Gender m/f, barcodes and colours BK, BN, Y
4 of 15
Used by computers to convert data into a machine readable format (ASCII and Binary) This includes sound (wav, mp3), image (JPEG, Tif, RAW) and video (AVI, MOV) files
5 of 15
Where two or more computing devices are linked together to share data, communication, software and peripherals
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covers a single site, linked by the use of cables
7 of 15
Large geographical area, could be linked with cables, microwaves or satellites
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An internal network giving users access to documents frequently needed and tools like email
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Makes part of the network available to others outside of the company, commonly used with suppliers giving limited access to information e.g a catalogue and previous orders
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Doing something by mistake and is not illegal that is against the company ICT practice e.g. spam, not locking computer, giving password out etc.
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Breaking the law through computers e.g. Hacking, fraud, phishing, using other peoples accounts, creating viruses etc.
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All the different data since the last back up (quickest time for back up, longest time for restore but uses the lowest amount of storage space)
13 of 15
Backs up all different data from the last full back up (backup, restore and storage space is in-between of full and incremental)
14 of 15
Backs up all data stored (takes the longest time to back up, shortest time to restore and uses the most storage space).
Full Back Up
15 of 15

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Card 2


Raw Facts and figures without a meaning or context e.g 0, 1, 2, 7



Card 3


Processed data with meaning e.g Brian, Lucy and Bob are names on a class register


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Data coded on collection before inputted on a system, small simple and unique e.g values 1-5, Gender m/f, barcodes and colours BK, BN, Y


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Used by computers to convert data into a machine readable format (ASCII and Binary) This includes sound (wav, mp3), image (JPEG, Tif, RAW) and video (AVI, MOV) files


Preview of the front of card 5
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