

1. viral infection life cycle

  • 1. Attachment to target cell 2. Penetration 3. Uncoating 4. Replication 5. Assembly 6. Release
  • 1. Replication 2.Uncoating 3.Release 4. Assembly 5. Attachment to target cell 6. Penetration
  • 1. Penetration 2. Uncoating 3. Replication 4. Attachment to target cells 5. Assembly 6. Release.
  • 1. Release 2.Assembly 3. Attachment to target cell 4. Penetration 5. Uncoating 6. Replication
1 of 10

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2. viral infection

  • any living thing that lives in or on another living
  • minute particle that is capable of replication but
    only within living cells
  • single celled parasitic organisms
  • simple organism that lacks the green
    pigment chlorophyll
  • bacteria being transported in the
    blood due to failure of body’s defence
    mechanisms to infect other organs or
    multiplying in the blood (sepsis)

3. pyrexia

  • above 37.2 degrees
  • below 36.9 degrees
  • between 36.5 -37 degrees
  • between 35-36.5 degrees

4. which of the infections provided is a fungi infection?

  • Hookworm
  • Amebic
  • tinea pedis
  • Malaria

5. what is a microorganism ?

  • Any organism that is too small to be seen by the human eye
  • A large organism that can be easily seen
  • A collection of organisms that can be seen


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