'Imperialism had widespread popular appeal in the years 1890-1914'

Argument against
How did people/individuals show that imperialism didn't have widespread popular appeal?
-Walter Crane, an artist who used his skills to make antiwar illustrations which discouraged empire in children's books
-Herbert Spencer coined the term 'survival of fittest' as it was linked to social darwinism
-William Didgy, writer and propagandist, se
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Argument for
How did media show that imperialism did have widespread popular appeal?
-The DailyMail reported on Second Anglo Boer War, they praised British troops for their heroism, sold 1M copies a day
-'With Clive in India' was a bestselling book that often referred to the 'superiority' of the British race
-Gilbert operas conveyed imper
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Argument against
How did media show that imperialism did not have widespread popular appeal?
British journalists often spoke about the need 'national effiency', Britain was behind in chemical engineering. 40% of British men were deemed unfit fo military services and Britain was commonly referred to as 'nation of amateurs'
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Arguments for
How did appeal to children show that imperialism had widespread popular appeal?
-Game called 'Trading with the colonies' was made, it spread a pro imperialist message
-'The Girl's Friendly Society' had 200,000 members by 1914. They made their pwn colonial secretary and encouraged emigration to colonies to 'better themselves'
-The Boy
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What is another example that shows imperialism didn't have widespread popular appeal?
Middle Class Taxpayers formed a new party in commons that opposed colonial expendicture
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Card 2


Argument for
How did media show that imperialism did have widespread popular appeal?


-The DailyMail reported on Second Anglo Boer War, they praised British troops for their heroism, sold 1M copies a day
-'With Clive in India' was a bestselling book that often referred to the 'superiority' of the British race
-Gilbert operas conveyed imper

Card 3


Argument against
How did media show that imperialism did not have widespread popular appeal?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Arguments for
How did appeal to children show that imperialism had widespread popular appeal?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is another example that shows imperialism didn't have widespread popular appeal?


Preview of the front of card 5


Holomodor-Hugo 🍔


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