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6. what years was Bulow chancellor?

  • 1900-1909
  • 1900-1908
  • 1900-1907
  • 1900-1905

7. when were the balkan wars?

  • 1912-13
  • 1911-12
  • 1912-14
  • 1913-14

8. what new policy broke up Bismarck's alliance system?

  • weltpolitik
  • arms race
  • flottenpolitik
  • sammsunglungpolitik

9. what was the Kruger telegram?

  • Telegram from Kruger to Kruger
  • Telegram from Kruger requesting an alliance with Germany
  • telegram from the Kaiser congratulating Kruger on defeating the British
  • Telegram from Britain bitching about Kruger

10. who were the army responsible to?

  • kaiser
  • chancellor
  • riechstag
  • army commander

11. when was the triple entente established?

  • 1907
  • 1904
  • 1905
  • 1906

12. what % of the worlds electrics were made by Germany by 1914?

  • 50%
  • 85%
  • 15.2%
  • 33.3%

13. what year was the Hottention election?

  • 1905
  • 1908
  • 1907
  • 1904

14. what year was the Zabern affair?

  • 1912
  • 1914
  • 1913
  • 1910

15. when was the franco-russian alliance?

  • 1890
  • 1894
  • 1892
  • 1913

16. when was the Bosnia crisis?

  • 1909
  • 1906
  • 1908
  • 1907

17. what was created as a result of the Hottenton election?

  • Bulow bloc
  • daily telegraph affair
  • zabern affair
  • dissolution of the reichstag

18. what was the policy of Lebensraum?

  • to suppress the socialists
  • to increase industrial production
  • to gain more land and German territory
  • to increase army and navy resources

19. who was sarajevo?

  • the next arch duke of Austria
  • a russian dude
  • the next chancellor of Austria
  • a communist from Austria

20. when did Bethmann-hollweg become chancellor?

  • 1909
  • 1900
  • 1908
  • 1910