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6. what did the German army introduce in 1916?

  • bombing
  • schlieffen plan
  • submarine warfare
  • guerilla warfare

7. what was Germanys military tactic in world war one?

  • the volksgemienshaft plan
  • the schlieffen plan
  • the hindenburg programme
  • the submarine plan

8. when was the first and second morrocan crisises?

  • 1905 and 1910
  • 1900 and 1908
  • 1905 and 1911
  • 1906 and 1907

9. when was the daily telegraph affair?

  • 8th October 1908
  • 7th june 1904
  • 4th october 1908
  • 15th july 1907

10. when did austria declare war on serbia?

  • 11th november 1914
  • 29th july 1914
  • 14th august 1914
  • 29th february 1915

11. what did the kaiser set up in 1912

  • national holiday
  • war council meeting
  • kruger telegram
  • blank cheque

12. what date was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

  • november 1917
  • march 1917
  • november 1918
  • july 1918

13. what was the policy of lebensraum?

  • aim to expand Germany's land; gain more territory
  • equip army for war
  • expand army
  • suppress the socialists

14. who was responsible for the army in bismarck's constitution?

  • Kaiser
  • chancellor
  • bundesrat
  • reichstag

15. what did Bulow introduce to suppress the rise of socialism?

  • job benefit schemes
  • anti-sickness, old age, work insurance laws
  • work employment schemes
  • better pensions

16. what year was the Bosnia crisis?

  • 1908
  • 1900
  • 1905
  • 1916

17. what was the crisis of July 1914?

  • bomb plot
  • arms race
  • Sarajevo shooting
  • kruger telegram

18. what was the purpose of flottenpolitik?

  • suppress socialism
  • improve economy
  • to expand germany navy
  • increase industrial production

19. who did Bulow side with after the daily telegraph affair?

  • reichstag
  • kaiser
  • army
  • bulow bloc

20. who was the chancellor of Germany in 1900?

  • Bulow
  • bethmann-hollwegg
  • caprivi
  • bismarck