
define immunity:
immunity is the body ability to resist disease and the body mechanism for protection against infectious diseases
1 of 11
Define immune system:
A network of cells, tissue and organs that have evolved to defend against foreign invasion
2 of 11
state 3 ways how the immune system defends against foreign material (antigens)
1. Create a barrier. 2. detect and eliminate foreign material before they are inside the body 3. Engulf and kill foreign material once it is reproducing inside the body
3 of 11
What are the two types of immunity?
1. Acquired (Gained) 2. Innate
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What is acquired immunity broken down into?
1). artificial immunity - passive- antibody transfer/ active- vaccinations. 2). Natural- passive- maternal/ active- infection
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state 3 physical barriers:
skin- restricts penetration/ mucous- adheres to foreign materials/ cilia- sweep away mucous and foreign material
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what makes up the secondary response?
leukocytes: non-specific and specific.
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Where are leukocytes produced?
In the bone marrow of long bones and by the thymus
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What are the 3 non-specific leukocytes and their roles?
1). neutrophils- engulf and kill foreign material/ 2). Eosinophils- Focus on parasites in the lungs and skin/ 3). Basophils- carry histamine, important in inflammation
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What are the specific leukocytes and their roles:
1). Leukocytes: B cells- humeral response- produce antibodies to attack and tag antigens. / T cells- cell mediated response- attack infected cells tagged by antibodies, help macrophages
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What are macrophages?
They are large leukocytes, they engulf foreign particles and clean up pus (Dead leukocytes)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define immune system:


A network of cells, tissue and organs that have evolved to defend against foreign invasion

Card 3


state 3 ways how the immune system defends against foreign material (antigens)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the two types of immunity?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is acquired immunity broken down into?


Preview of the front of card 5
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