ict software

  • Created by: hollyyy9
  • Created on: 03-05-17 09:43
What is locally installed software?
You own the software. when you buy the software, the price includes the cost of licence. Takes up a lot of space on your computer. Help is available online
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What is leased software?
It is a method of paying for software over time instead of a single upfront payment. Which you can stop when its no longer required. The newest version is always available at no extra charge. Backing up is important so work isn't lost.
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What is software as a service?
You pay when you use the software, it doesn't take up any space because it is hosted and it can be accessed anywhere in the world. Support is offered. Although your work can be lost if the connection is lost.
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Disadvantages of locally installed software?
Less control of the application - it is not up to you which version is in use . Need constant broadband link for it to be used. May not be as responsive as local applications . External company may change or go out of business which would affect you
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Advantages of hosted software?
Less control of the application - it is not up to you which version is in use . Need constant broadband link for it to be used. May not be as responsive as local applications . External company may change or go out of business which would affect you
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What is a software licence?
A software license is a legal instrument (usually by way of contract law, with or without printed material) governing the use or redistribution of software.
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Advantage of locally installed software?
Less data is lost because it is backed up. It is a one off fee. Its more secure. You don't need a internet connection.
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Advantages of leased software?
The lease prices offered are generally very attractive and much cheaper than buying the software outright.
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Card 2


What is leased software?


It is a method of paying for software over time instead of a single upfront payment. Which you can stop when its no longer required. The newest version is always available at no extra charge. Backing up is important so work isn't lost.

Card 3


What is software as a service?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Disadvantages of locally installed software?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Advantages of hosted software?


Preview of the front of card 5
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