extremely large data sets that cannot be processed by traditonal methods
1 of 9
Used to scan barcodes. Every product has a unique barcode that allows it to be identified and to store data about the product.
2 of 9
Two dimensional barcodes that can store more data than a standard barcode and be read more quickly. They are often used in advertising and can be scanned by a smart phone.
3 of 9
Surveys that are located on the internet. Once a survey has been completed and submitted, the results are usually automatically saved in to a database or spreadsheet.
4 of 9
Smart electronic devices that can be worn. They track, log and record data. e.g. activity trackers, smart watches and headsets.
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Devices that can be transported by the user. e.g smartphones, tablets, GPS devices such as SatNavs, and eBook readers. These devices provide the user with instant information via the internet.
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Software, services and storage areas that run on the internet rather than being stored and accessed on a physical storage device. It has a very large storage capacity and is made up of a lot of servers that store and locate data and information.
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Uses magnetic disks for storing software and data in files. The disks spin at high speeds while drive heads read and write the data. Can store huge amounts of data.
8 of 9
Uses flash memory for storing software and data in files. There are no moving parts which makes them faster and more reliable than magnetic hard drives.
9 of 9

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Used to scan barcodes. Every product has a unique barcode that allows it to be identified and to store data about the product.



Card 3


Two dimensional barcodes that can store more data than a standard barcode and be read more quickly. They are often used in advertising and can be scanned by a smart phone.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Surveys that are located on the internet. Once a survey has been completed and submitted, the results are usually automatically saved in to a database or spreadsheet.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Smart electronic devices that can be worn. They track, log and record data. e.g. activity trackers, smart watches and headsets.


Preview of the front of card 5
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