Common formats for media files?
Audio = MP3 and WMA. Images = JPEG, GIF and PNG. Video = MPEG-4 and WMV.
1 of 11
Describe a media player?
Long battery life, small and light, hold a lot of media and uses solid state memory.
2 of 11
Whats DRM software?
Digital rights management. Prevent you from making copies of audio and video files you have downloaded on your media player.
3 of 11
Give two advantages of lisa streaming rather than downloading?
Saves time so you don't have to wait for a file to download. Uses less storage space.
4 of 11
What's a PVR?
Personal video recorders contain a hard drive which allow you to record TV programmes
5 of 11
Advantages of cable connection to router?
Very fast: 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps), very secure, no interference.
6 of 11
Disadvantages of a cable connection to router?
installation is expensive, cables have to be run from the router to the thing that wants WiFi.
7 of 11
Advantages of wireless connection to a router?
All you need is a wireless router, cheaper, you can access the internet from anywhere in the house.
8 of 11
Disadvantages of a wireless connection to a router?
Slower, 54 megabits per second (mbps), can be affected by walls and distance from router.
9 of 11
Why is it important to secure a wireless network?
Wireless networks need to be secured otherwise other people can access your network and use your internet connection or steal data.
10 of 11
Two ways to secure a wireless network?
Hiding the router by stopping the router broadcasting its Service set identifer (SSID), setting up a form of encryption.
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe a media player?


Long battery life, small and light, hold a lot of media and uses solid state memory.

Card 3


Whats DRM software?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give two advantages of lisa streaming rather than downloading?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What's a PVR?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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