State two ways that someone may use their smartphone for leisure or travel (2)
Look up delays on transport, social networking sites, sending emails, send text messages, update or read blogs, upload images to online albums
1 of 95
What factors would you need to consider when choosing a device? (2)
Battery life, user interface, connectivity, security, storage space
2 of 95
Name 3 types of flash memory (3)
Micro SD card, SDXC card, memory stick, SDHC card, SD cards
3 of 95
Suggest two reasons why SD cards are suitable for personal media players (2)
Can be used to transfer data between devices and there are no moving parts so its not easily damaged
4 of 95
List two peripheral devices that could be connected to a personal media player (2)
Headphones, speakers or microphone
5 of 95
List two methods of wirelessly connecting a media player to a computer (2)
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
6 of 95
Explain why Wi-Fi enabled speakers might be better than bluetooth (2)
Wi-Fi enabled speakers have a greater range than bluetooth which means that Wi-Fi speakers would be more versatile
7 of 95
List two ways you can use a smartphone to communicate (2)
Emailing and MMS
8 of 95
Describe one feature of modern mobile phones that has improved the user experience when watching movies (2)
Improved screen resolutions means that movies look better on the mobile phones OR large storage means better quality movies can be stored in the phone memory
9 of 95
State two ways he can protect the information stored on his phone (2)
1. Set up a pin 2. Encrypt data
10 of 95
Give two benefits of a school issuing all students with netbooks (2)
1. Relatively inexpensive 2. Fits easily on a desk with textbooks
11 of 95
State a health risk from using a touch screen interface continuously (1)
12 of 95
State one potential use of Wi-Fi connectivity on a digital camera (1)
Users can use Wi-Fi to upload their photos onto online albums without having to download the files onto a computer first
13 of 95
Which one of these file types would an image be stored on? A. AVI B. JPEC C. WMV D. Doc (1)
14 of 95
Give two advantages of streaming rather than downloading videos (2)
Saves time and uses less storage space
15 of 95
Give two disadvantages of streaming rather than downloading videos (2)
Limited availability and user experience is dependant on connection quality
16 of 95
Give two advantages of buying a computer rather than a games console (2)
The computer can be used for work and running other programmes. You can also use the computer screen wheras with a console it has to be on a computer
17 of 95
Give two disadvantages of buying a computer rather than a games console (2)
A computer is more likely to be more expensive and a computer needs to be set up whereas a games console is ready to play
18 of 95
Some people wirelessly display images from their phone to TV. Describe how they may do this (3)
Connect to the wireless network pair the devices to allow data sharing and allow the images from the phone to be accessed by the TV
19 of 95
Why might the display on a sat-nav may freeze whilst going through a tunnel? (1)
Loss of signal
20 of 95
Describe one health and safety risk of using a sat-nav whilst driving (2)
Incorrect positioning of device may cause a blind spot
21 of 95
Give two advantages of using a sat-nav rather than printed instructions (2)
Plots speed, provides alternative routes, provides traffic updates
22 of 95
List three positive effects of the use of digital devices in education (3)
Finding out information and educational apps for smartphones
23 of 95
Give two benefits of using a wireless network in the home (2)
Cheaper and can access the network from anywhere in the house
24 of 95
State what piece of equipment needs to be connected to the modem in order to share the connection over a wireless network (1)
25 of 95
State two ways to secure a wireless network (2)
Change passwords and reduce transmitter power
26 of 95
Explain why it is important to secure a wireless network (2)
Wireless networks need to be secured otherwise other people can access your network and use your internet connection or steal dat
27 of 95
List two ways how you can transfer the images from the camera to a netbook (2)
USB cable or Bluetooth
28 of 95
Describe how you could upload the images from a netbook without Wi-Fi signal (2)
If they set their phone as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot or tethers the devices using a USB cable
29 of 95
Why is the bandwidth important on an Internet Connection? (2)
Bandwidth is the number of bits that can go through a network in one second. The higher the bandwidth the better the quality
30 of 95
Explain the benefits of using Wi-Fi rather than a 3G dongle (3)
Wi-Fi has a greater bandwidth than 3G and will be better for uploading photographs. Wi-Fi hotspots are often provided in public spaces so can get free Internet connection
31 of 95
Describe how a POP protocol is different from IMAP when retrieving an email (2)
With IMAP you read your emails on the server. They would not be deleted and he could access and read them from any computer
32 of 95
Which one of these protocols be used to upload a podcast onto a blog? A. HTTP B. SMS C. POP D.IMAP
33 of 95
Explain why firewalls are used by people when accessing the internet (2)
A firewall is used to stop data transmission to stop malicious sites from accessing data on a computer
34 of 95
Explain how encryption keeps data secure (2)
Encryption encodes the data, the data needs to be decoded so only authorised users can read it
35 of 95
List three physical controls that prevents unauthorised people from entering a computer network room (3)
Security keypads, Burglar alarms, CCTV and locks
36 of 95
Describe one biometric method that can be used to authenticate a person's identity when trying to enter a building (2)
You could use a fingerprint scanner that reads a person's fingerprint and checks whether or not there is a computer account or file in the system for that fingerprint
37 of 95
List three things to consider when looking for a new ISP (3)
Some could be expensive, email addresses for communication could be included and a firewall and antivirus software should be provided
38 of 95
Identify two advantages of using social networking technology rather than SMS to communicate with friends (2)
Only have to post one message and allows real time conversations
39 of 95
Explain how the widespread use of the internet has affected how people communicate with each other (3)
Instant messaging allows people to communicate using text messages in real-time and the Voice over Internet Protocol allows both voice and video calls and is often free for the users
40 of 95
Explain how the widespread use of the internet has affected the number of people who work from home (3)
More people can work from home by using the Internet to communicate and collaborate with others. This is a great help for people caring for families or who are disabled
41 of 95
Describe how security questions can be used for authentication when users are logging into an online account (2)
If a person has forgotten their password they can prove their identity by repeating the answer they have given to a security question
42 of 95
State what a Captcha test is (1)
It displays some letters and numbers in a font that is difficult to read. The user then have to read the letters and enter them using the keyboard
43 of 95
Explain why a Captcher test is used (2)
The test assumes that the letters and numbers cannot be read by an automated computer to complete the form. They are testing that its a human
44 of 95
Explain the privacy concerns associated with social networks (3)
An individual's personal information could be made available. GPS could be published. Individuals may appear in the media when they are not aware
45 of 95
Give one benefit to you of a cookie (1)
Your view of the website is personalised
46 of 95
Give two reasons why you could consider deleting cookies from your computers (2)
To free up storage space. To stop people finding out about your browsing habits on a shared computer
47 of 95
Explain why a store can send emails after recently purchases something (2)
Change their emails. Mark address as spam
48 of 95
Describe how the online store is able to send emails (2)
To help the user by suggesting music they might like and make adverts more relevent to them
49 of 95
Some companies store personal data. Explain the rights of the customer with regards to this data (3)
They have a right to look at and check the data held. They can demand that their data is not used for direct marketing
50 of 95
Give two harmful effects to the music industry of the illegal copying and sharing of files (2)
The creators of the music are losing the money they need to create and record the music. It leads to unemployment because of the loss of revenue
51 of 95
Why should you not copy a game? (1)
Because copying copyrighted material is illegal
52 of 95
State two features of an online shop that would be useful to people wanting to buy books (2)
1. Books rated by customers 2. Avaliable to customers 24/7/365
53 of 95
Give two disadvantages of shopping online for a coat rather than in a shop (2)
1. Unable to try it on 2. May have to return the coat
54 of 95
State two benefits to the seller of selling on an online auction website (2)
1. No need to have a physical shop 2. Can sell as many or as few items as they wish
55 of 95
Give two advantages to the user of an online banking system over the telephone (2)
1. She can view all the tractions including past ones 2. She can recieve her bank details from any location with an Internet connection 24/7/365
56 of 95
Name an advantage of having an online account for gaming (2)
She can personalise her character which can be saved for future games
57 of 95
Describe how the action of the character are communicated to other players (2)
The computer sends messages about their action to a central server that tracks the movements of all players. The server transmits the messages to other computers
58 of 95
Sometimes the player experiences a 'lag'. State a reason for this (1)
Her bandwidtch is too low
59 of 95
Describe two advantages to companies of operating online as well as on the high street (4)
1. Enables customers to be reached online 2. It won't cost too much to set up, and will increase their sales
60 of 95
Give two ways in which companies use transactional data (2)
1. To understand the buying habits of customers 2. To check stock control
61 of 95
Give two reasons why a company might want to advertise on the Internet (2)
1. It can be targeted at particular customers 2. Its cheaper than traditional advertising
62 of 95
Give two drawbacks to a company of advertsing on the Internet (2)
1. People often ignore then 2. Users can block adverts
63 of 95
Give two ways a company could obtain personal data from potential buyers (2)
1. Tranactional data 2. Social networking sites
64 of 95
Give one advantage and disadvantage of viral advertising for a company (2)
Advantage- It spreads very quickly meaning lots of people will see it Disadvantage- it could be expensive to design
65 of 95
Describe two ways in which a company could use personalised techniques to persuade people to buy their products (4)
1. They could send personalised emails based on transactional data 2. They could offer recommendations based on what you have viewed or purchased
66 of 95
Give two ways you can pay on an online auction site (2)
1. Credit/Debit card 2. Online coupons and eVouchers
67 of 95
Give two things should look out for to show that the website is secure (2)
1. A padlock symbol is displayed 2. The colour of the address bar changes to green
68 of 95
Describe how you can use an eVoucher (2)
You can enter the unique reference number from the voucher. It allows them to select how much of the eVoucher to use
69 of 95
State why you have a right to return products brought online (1)
There is a seven day 'cooling off period' for Internet purchases
70 of 95
Describe the difference between locally installed software and hosted software (2)
Locally installed software has to be installed on the computer whereas hosted software is not installed
71 of 95
Give a way in which commercial software producers can respond to free software as a service (1)
Provide technical support, help services and training materials
72 of 95
Give two benefits of using online storage rather than local storage (2)
1. It is free online data storage 2. The photos are automatically backed up
73 of 95
Describe one way in which users can refine web searches to improve the validity of results (2)
1. Add more key words 2. Use the advanced search facilities
74 of 95
List two types of online community (2)
1. Social networking 2. Social bookmarking sites
75 of 95
Give two reasons for having an online account in an online community (2)
1. Your posts can be linked to use so people can communicate with you 2. Your can personalise your space
76 of 95
Describe the function of an online workspace (2)
Online workspaces provide a virtual space for people to meet together online collaboratively
77 of 95
Give an advantage of using an online workspace rather than email (1)
Easier to know which document is the most up to date
78 of 95
List two features of social networks (2)
1. Chat 2. Messaging
79 of 95
Explain why different social networks have different features (3)
There are many social networks aimed at specific target audiences. They include features that the target audience will find useful.
80 of 95
List three features of a user-generated reference site (3)
1. Able to add and edit the content 2. Changes can be tracked 3. Provides hyperlinked pages and images
81 of 95
Describe one function of a social bookmarking site (2)
URLs can be stored and then shared with other users
82 of 95
Describe two ways in which ICT is changing the way knowledge is created (4)
Tools such as spreadsheets within online workspaces help to create ideas and solve problems. 2. Information and knowledge can be made accessible to everyome through ICT. University students can now complete courses online
83 of 95
List two ways in which the internet helps people work collaboratively (2)
1. Email 2. Online chat
84 of 95
List two ways in which the internet is used for socialisng (2)
1. Chat rooms 2. Social networking
85 of 95
Someone sends a threatening message. Describe an action you should do as a result of this (2)
You should block the user so that the user cannot send more messages
86 of 95
List two other ways she could collaborate globally (2)
1. Blogs 2. Social bookmarking
87 of 95
State two ways you can protect your data when using their smartphone (2)
1. Set up a pin or password 2. Lock the sim card
88 of 95
Give two benefits of cookies to a user (2)
1. They save personal preferences 2. They help websites to make more accurate suggestions about what you want to buy
89 of 95
List two methods that criminals could use to collect personal information online (2)
1. Hacking- to gain access to the computer 2. Spyware- to intercept transactions
90 of 95
State two ways people may use ICT to monitor your location (2)
1. Mobile phone location 2. GPS tracking
91 of 95
State two ways in which people may track your communications (2)
1. SMS messaging 2. Playing online games
92 of 95
Describe one positive and one negative impact of ICT on an individual's health and safety (4)
Positive- mobile phones can help us keep safe by always being able to contact others Negative- repetitive stain injuries can develop from doing the same thing again and again
93 of 95
Which one of these requires ISPs to take action against people who illegally download media A. Data Protection act B. Computer Misuse act C. Copyright, Designs and Patents act D. Digital Economy act (1)
D. Digital Economy act
94 of 95
State two causes of the digital divide in the UK (2)
1. Affordability 2. Living in remote areas
95 of 95

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What factors would you need to consider when choosing a device? (2)


Battery life, user interface, connectivity, security, storage space

Card 3


Name 3 types of flash memory (3)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Suggest two reasons why SD cards are suitable for personal media players (2)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


List two peripheral devices that could be connected to a personal media player (2)


Preview of the front of card 5
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