Hume revision

  • Created by: warhead
  • Created on: 31-07-22 11:06
Historian’s role
Historians collect and evaluate information from primary sources to answer questions about historical events.
1 of 15
Define artefact and example
An object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest. For example pottery
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Role of an expert
The role of an is to expert have extensive knowledge on a subject gained from a significant amount of experience
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Primary sources and examples.
A primary source is a source that offers correct data. An example could be journals.
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Secondary sources and examples.
Secondary sources are sources that don’t give original information. For example biographies
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Before Christ
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Before common era
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Anno Domini is also known as in the year of the Lord.
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Common era
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1000 years
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100 years
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10 years.
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Ordering timelines
When ordering timelines you start with the earliest date to the latest date.
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Differences between opinion and fact
A fact is something that's true and an opinion is something you think.
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How do archaeologists date artefacts
They use an assumption called the law of superposition to help determine the date of artefacts.
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Card 2


An object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest. For example pottery


Define artefact and example

Card 3


The role of an is to expert have extensive knowledge on a subject gained from a significant amount of experience


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Card 4


A primary source is a source that offers correct data. An example could be journals.


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Card 5


Secondary sources are sources that don’t give original information. For example biographies


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