
  • Created by: Becca
  • Created on: 20-04-13 16:40
Ion content is regulated by what?
1 of 11
How is water lost from the body?
Sweating, Urine, Breathing
2 of 11
The body temperature is controlled by what?
The Brain
3 of 11
Ions are taken into the body in what? Then are absorbed into what?
Food. Blood
4 of 11
What happens to the excess ions when the food contains too much of any kind of ion?
The ions are removed
5 of 11
What organ removes the excess ions from the blood?
6 of 11
Water is lost...
Through the skin as sweat, via the lungs in breath, via the kidneys in urine
7 of 11
What is the temperature enzymes work best at?
37 degrees Celsius
8 of 11
Carbohydrates put what in the blood from the gut?
9 of 11
When cells remove glucose from the blood what is this called?
A normal metabolism
10 of 11
What hormone helps maintain glucose levels in your blood?
11 of 11

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Card 2


How is water lost from the body?


Sweating, Urine, Breathing

Card 3


The body temperature is controlled by what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Ions are taken into the body in what? Then are absorbed into what?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens to the excess ions when the food contains too much of any kind of ion?


Preview of the front of card 5
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