
  • Created by: MaxR1
  • Created on: 03-05-18 17:27
Define Homeostasis
The control of the internal conditions of a cell or organism to maintain optimum conditions for function in response to internal and external changes
1 of 21
Give 3 functions of the kidneys
2 of 21
Describe how urine is produced in a healthy person
3 of 21
Why is protein not found in the urine of a healthy person?
the kidneys filter urine from the blood but retain protein, so there is not extensive loss of protein into the urine. Protein may be present in the urine because of acute inflammation or kidney stone disease, or as a sign of kidney damage.
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Give 2 symptoms of kidney disease
Reduced amount of urine and swelling of legs, ankles, and feet
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How does dialysis work?
Dialysis restores the concentrations of dissolved substances in the blood to normal levels by flowing the blood through partially permeable membranes and mixing it with dialysis fluid before returning it to the patients body.
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What causes rejection of donor organs?
Transplant rejection occurs when transplanted tissue is rejected by the recipient's immune system, which destroys the transplanted tissue.
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Why is it important to maintain a constant water concentration in the blood?
For the cells of our body to work properly, it is important that their water content is maintained at the correct level. This means our body must maintain a balance between the water we take in and the water we lose. This is done by the kidneys.
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Describe the role of ADH
It tells your kidneys how much water to conserve. ADH constantly regulates and balances the amount of water in your blood and works via negative feedback
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What are the advantages of kidney transplants?
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What are the disadvantages of kidney transplants?
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What are the advantages of dialysis?
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What are the disadvantages of dialysis?
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Where is Carbon Dioxide made?
In cells, in the mitochondria, when releasing energy during cellular respiration
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Which organ removes Carbon Dioxide?
The lungs/Respiratory System
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What are the toxic effects of Carbon Dioxide?
In the blood, an asphyxiant, which is a substance that bonds with your blood in place of oxygen. This can lead to nervous damage and cardiovascular issues
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Where is urea made?
In the liver
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Which organ removes Urea?
The kidneys
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What are the toxic effects of Urea?
A buildup can cause kidney failure
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How is body temperature detected?
The hypothalamus. It is the processing centre in the brain that controls body temperature. It does this by triggering changes to effectors, such as sweat glands and muscles controlling body hair.
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How does sweating help cool the body?
Glands in the skin secrete sweat onto the surface to increase heat loss by evaporation. This cools the body. Sweat secretion slows when the body temperature returns to normal.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give 3 functions of the kidneys



Card 3


Describe how urine is produced in a healthy person


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Card 4


Why is protein not found in the urine of a healthy person?


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Card 5


Give 2 symptoms of kidney disease


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