Hitler's rise to power

Why were the working class drawn to Hitler
He promised jobs and provided security
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Why were the middle and upper class drawn to Hitler
Opposed communism which was seen as the biggest threat
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Other reasons people were drawn to Hitler
Charismatic, got the youth onto his side, seemed like a strong and decisive leader
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Why was Hitler made chancellor
Hindenburg and Von Papen thought it would be an easy way to control the Nazis who kept sabotaging votes
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When was the Reichstag set on fire
February 1933
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Why was the Emergency Decree passed and what was it
It was passed because Hitler said the fire posed a threat, it stopped communists gathering and giving speeches which influenced the upcoming vote
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When was the enabling act passed
March 1933
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What was the enabling act
It allowed Hitler to make any decisions on his own, contrary to how he needed a vote from the Reichstag before
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When and what was the Night of the Long Knives
In July 1934, Hitler kills many members in the SA along with it's leader Rohm because he feels threatening
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What happened in August 1934
Hindenburg dies and Hitler has total control
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Card 2


Why were the middle and upper class drawn to Hitler


Opposed communism which was seen as the biggest threat

Card 3


Other reasons people were drawn to Hitler


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why was Hitler made chancellor


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When was the Reichstag set on fire


Preview of the front of card 5
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