History revisison

George Clemanceau: what he wanted? France
Wanted Germany to be broken down into smaller states. He wanted to get the disputed land of Alsace-Loraine. France wanted the Rhineland back so they would not be vulnerable to attack. He wanted Germany to be too weak to fight another war.
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David Lloyd George: what he wanted? UK
He wanted Germany to be punished but remain strong, worried if they were too weak Russia would interfere. Germany to loose all it navy's and colonies. to continue trading with Germany.
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Woodrow Wilson: what he wanted? USA
He wanted to form a league of nations to encourage countries to talk when they have disputes instead of war. He wanted people to rule themselves so leader could not start another war. He was an idealist.
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Treaty of Versailles: Guilt
Guilt clause 231 stated that Germany had to accept blame for all the loss and damage of the war
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Treaty of Versailles: Army Reductions
Germany's army was reduced to only 100,00 men, they were only allowed 6 battleships, no aeroplane or submarines
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Treaty of Versailles: Reparations
Germany had to pay 6.6 million in reparations to the countries damaged by war.
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Treaty of Versailles: Germany Lost Land
Disputed German territories including Alsace-Lorraine were given to France, they got to keep the Rhineland's but were not allowed troops there.
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Treaty of Versailles: League Of Nations
This was an international forum set up to encourage countries to talk about disputes rather than war, Germany was not allowed to join.
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Treaty of Versailles: Ended Alliances
Germany was banned from continuing their traditional alliance with Austria, it called the Anschluss.
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Treaty of Versailles: Strengths
Punished Germany enough to make them want revenge but not enough for them to seek it. It brought peace to Europe. The Treaty of Versailles established League of Nations to preserve world peace.
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Treaty of Versailles: Weakness
USA did not join the League. The french did not think the lague was harsh enough so the voted Clemanceau out of power. the Treaty of Versailles left Germany very angry. Germany could not actually pay the reapration.
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League of Nations; set up
It was set up on the 28th june 1919.
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USA: why they did not join the league of nation
Most Americans were immigrants who did not agree with the treaty of Versailles. Americans did not want anymore troops to be sent out to solve world conflicts. worried about the cost of joining the league. they thought they would be under control.
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Manchuria Crisis: why did Japan invade?
Rapid growth in population means that there were not enough resources in Japan. Invaded Manchuria because they have full resources.
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Manchuria Crisis: how was Mnchuria invaded?
Japan blew up the Manchurian railway and blamed it all on china, then they took control of Manchuria and had a puppet government then renamed it Manchuoko. in 1932 the prime minister was asassinated.
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Manchuria Crisis: how did the league respond?
China appealed for help on January 1932.
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Manchuria Crisis: how did japan respond?
League Of Nations ordered japan to leave but Japan refused, and the League could not do anything because they had no army. 27th march 1933 Japan left the League
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Manchuria Crisis: why did the league not stop japan?
They did not want to and they couldn't. They saw that china was a corrupt country and supported Japan. they could not sanction japan because they left league and all of their trading was outside the League.
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Manchuria Crisis: what effect did Manchuria have on the League?
It showed that the league was inadequate. The league of nation could not deal with aggressive countries. When Japan left there were only European countries left so they were only effective in Europe.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


David Lloyd George: what he wanted? UK


He wanted Germany to be punished but remain strong, worried if they were too weak Russia would interfere. Germany to loose all it navy's and colonies. to continue trading with Germany.

Card 3


Woodrow Wilson: what he wanted? USA


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Treaty of Versailles: Guilt


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Treaty of Versailles: Army Reductions


Preview of the front of card 5
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