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6. The Roman army leaves Britain

  • 412
  • 413
  • 410
  • 411

7. Alfred the Great dies

  • 899
  • 895
  • 891
  • 897

8. The Viking ruler Canute becomes King of England

  • 1018
  • 1016
  • 1012
  • 1021

9. Henry II is crowned King of England

  • 1178
  • 1154
  • 1145
  • 1167

10. The barons force King John to sign the Magna Carta

  • 1215
  • 1210
  • 1220
  • 1225

11. Alfred the Great defeats the ‘Great Heathen Army’

  • 878
  • 872
  • 877
  • 874

12. Death of William the Conqueror

  • 1092
  • 1086
  • 1088
  • 1090

13. The Battle of Stamford Bridge

  • September 1066
  • March 1066
  • October 1066
  • November 1066

14. Henry II accidentally orders the murder of Thomas Becket

  • 1160
  • 1150
  • 1170
  • 1180

15. The battle of Hastings

  • November 1066
  • October 1066
  • September 1066
  • December 1066

16. Edward the Confessor promises the throne to William, Duke of Normandy

  • 1062
  • 1045
  • 1051
  • 1056

17. Augustine arrives in England to convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity

  • 566
  • 588
  • 597
  • 576

18. Bede finishes his great book, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People

  • 789
  • 722
  • 731
  • 745

19. Aethelstan’s victory at the Battle of Brananburh

  • 926
  • 937
  • 899
  • 958

20. The Vikings attack the monastery on Lindisfarne

  • 793
  • 799
  • 698
  • 790