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Card 6


The Battle of Stamford Bridge
In September 1066, Harald Hardrada and a force of 8000 Viking warriors invaded the north of England. They advanced to York and their numbers were boosted by supporters from Scotland and northern England.


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Card 7


The two sides went to battle at Stamford Bridge, just outside of York. The
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
recorded that a Viking warrior blocked the bridge, stopping Harold Godwinson’s army from crossing. One of Godwinson’s soldiers floated under the bridge in a


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Card 8


Background to the Battle of Hastings
Following the death of Edward the Confessor, William, the Duke of Normandy, was angry when Harold Godwinson was crowned King of England in January 1066.


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Card 9


William landed on the south coast of England with his army while Harold Godwinson was on his way back from the north, where he had defeated Harald Hardrada’s invasion at Stamford Bridge. William and his army headed to Hastings via London, collecting extra


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Card 10


Who fought in the Battle of Hastings?


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Card 11


Types of soldiers:
* Harold’s army was largely made up of the fyrd and housecarls
* William had a range of soldiers available to him:
cavalry, archers and foot soldiers


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Card 12


* It is believed Harold had between 7,000 and 8,000 soldiers at Hastings.
* Most historians think William’s army was also between 7,000 and 8,000 soldiers.


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Card 13


What happened at the Battle of Hastings?
The events of the battle

* The Battle of Hastings began at 9am on 14 October 1066. Harold’s army was lined up at the top of Senlac Hill, forming a shield wall facing down against William’s army. At the start of th


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Card 14


* Harold’s position was looking strong, but William ordered his soldiers to advance part way up the hill and then pretend to retreat. This was hugely effective. Harold’s army lost their discipline and started charging down the hill, losing their strong de


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Card 15


* Harold’s remaining soldiers lost motivation when news of his death spread across the battlefield. Some fled, and the ones who stayed to fight were left with little hope.


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