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6. Why were friendship groups created?

  • To make a volatile situation even more dangerous
  • To warn others

7. How did the War break out?

  • Franz Ferdinard
  • aliances
  • militarism

8. How many soldiers did Britain have before the war

  • 711,000
  • 715,000
  • 800,000
  • 720,000

9. How much did Britain spend on their army from 1914-1915

  • 60 million
  • 80 milllion
  • 50 million
  • 20 million

10. What does Nationalism mean?

  • Nationalism means devoted to your own country
  • To have one leader
  • To not want to be part of your country

11. What does Militarism mean

  • When the army were givena high profile by the government
  • When an army go and fight the war