henry vii foreign policy aims

  • Created by: boogluvr
  • Created on: 14-06-21 20:37
what 2 things dictated H7's foreign policy aims?
1. the circumstances surrounding his succession to the throne
2. economic instability
1 of 8
what threats did H7 have to protect the throne from?
- domestic rebellions
- france and scotland (traditional enemies)
2 of 8
why did H7 have to secure the dynasty?
as a usurper he needed to gain recognition for the dynasty from other powers to be deemed 'legitimate'
3 of 8
why did he want to improve relation with major powers
allies = discourage attacks

improve trade and increase revenue
4 of 8
why was Margaret of Burgundy a threat to H7?
she wanted the yorkist line to the throne restored
(as seen with support of lambert simnel)
5 of 8
why was avoiding war important to henry?
war was costly and particularly after war of the roses, country was financially weak
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HRE annual income by the end of reign
henry's annual income by the end of reign
£800,000 + £1.1 mill from his empire

7 of 8
why is trade seen as a secondary aim for foreign policy
henry suspends trade with burgundy when they support warbeck, showing its not priority over national security
8 of 8

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Card 2


what threats did H7 have to protect the throne from?


- domestic rebellions
- france and scotland (traditional enemies)

Card 3


why did H7 have to secure the dynasty?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


why did he want to improve relation with major powers


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why was Margaret of Burgundy a threat to H7?


Preview of the front of card 5
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