Henry VII

  • Created by: malmond
  • Created on: 07-05-19 12:47
1486 Act of Resumption
Returned to the crown all the land it had granted away since 1455
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JPs - what happened in 1487
They could grant bail to people awaiting trial
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The Court of Equity
The monarch could give out justice if the law was unable to deal with the crime adequately
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Domestic Policy aim 1
Promoting Trade
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Domestic Policy aim 2
Improving law and order
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Domestic Policy aim 3
Illegal retaining
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Domestic Policy aim 4
Increasing crown revenue
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1485 Navigation act
No English merchant could used foreign ships to transport goods if an English one was available
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What did Henry do to English wool in 1489?
Limited exports to other countries
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What was the Intercursus Magnus in 1496?
It was signed with Burgundy and allowed English merchants to trade freely with them
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Why did Henry want to trade with Burgundy?
Believed that it was the gateway to trade within the continent
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Cloth amounted to how much of English exports?
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How many ships had been built by the end of Henry VII's reign?
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What is enclosure?
When agricultural land was once common (available to any farmer) is now privately owned
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Positive effects of enclosure
Wealthier families could work on a larger scale and try new farming techniques. This led to an increase in farming productivity
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Negative effects of enclosure
Poor farmers lost their land and livelihood, and were forced to move elsewhere
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English wool exports decreased by how much?
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Positive effects of using the Chamber System rather than the Exchequer
Raised crown land income from £12,000 to £42,000 per year
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What were the two houses who fought against each other?
House of Lancaster (Henry) and the House of York
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When was the Battle of Bosworth?
22nd August 1485
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One of Henry's main aims at the beginning
To establish and secure his right to the throne
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Another one of Henry's main aims at the beginning
To strengthen royal government by better control of nobility
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The last aim of Henry's at the beginning of his reign
Strengthen the monarchy and the kingdom by securing the economy
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What year was the Lovell and the Staffords rising?
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What year was the Lambert Simnel and the rebellion of Lincoln?
June 1486 to June 1487
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What year was the Cornish rebellion?
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Reasons for the Cornish rebellion?
Because of the demand of money to pay to defend the NORTH against a possible scottish invasion
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Where did the Cornish rebels march to and who stopped them?
Blackheath and Lord Daubeney
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How many Cornish rebels?
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What year was the Yorkshire rebellion?
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Reasons for the Yorkshire rebellion?
Rise in taxes in 1489 to fund Henry's campaign in Brittany. PLUS yorkshire had been facing bad harvests and believed that they were too far away to pay!
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What does Prerogative rights mean?
The right the monarch could use without the parliaments consent
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What is a bond?
A legal document bound to an individual, they had to perform an action and if they did not they had to pay money as a forfeit
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A formal recognition of debt
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Who is a magnate?
Member of higher ranks of nobility
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What was the council learned in laws job?
To maintain the King's revenue
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What did Reginald Bray do?
Led the council learned in law, raised funds for Bosworth
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What were parliaments two main functions?
pass laws and grant taxations to the crown
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How many times did Henry call parliament?
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


JPs - what happened in 1487


They could grant bail to people awaiting trial

Card 3


The Court of Equity


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Domestic Policy aim 1


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Domestic Policy aim 2


Preview of the front of card 5
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