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6. which of the following is a function of a valve?

  • regulates the direction of the flow of blood through the heart
  • regulates heart rate
  • directs the movement of the cardiac impulse
  • regulates the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin

7. an ejection fraction of 30% is:

  • characteristic of a healthy person who is engaged in aerobic exercise
  • the amount of oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood in the left ventricle
  • characteristic of a failing heart
  • normal

8. the atrioventricular node (AV node):

  • has a rate that is normally faster than the SA node
  • is located in the upper part of the right atrium
  • delays the electrical signal coming from the atria into the ventricles
  • is the pacemaker of the heart

9. sympathetic stimulation to the heart:

  • decreases stroke volume
  • increases heart rate
  • decreases cardiac output
  • causes bradycardia

10. which cavity first receives unoxygenated blood from the vena cava?

  • right ventricle
  • left atrium
  • right atrium
  • left ventricle

11. decreased blood flow through the coronary arteries is most likely to cause:

  • valve damage
  • angina pectoris
  • pulmonary edema
  • bradycardia

12. what happens during ventricular diastole?

  • all semilunar valves are open
  • blood is pumped to the lungs and systemic circulation
  • the ventricles are filling with blood
  • both AV valves are closed

13. which of the following refers to a positive inotropic effect?

  • a rapid heart rate
  • heart attack
  • an increased myocardial contractile force
  • a slow heart rate

14. what term refers to the amount of blood pumped by the ventricle in one beat?

  • hematocrit
  • blood volume
  • stroke volume
  • cardiac output

15. which layer of the heart allows it to act as a pump?

  • endocardium
  • myocardium
  • epicardium
  • pericardium

16. heart rate and stroke volume determine:

  • cardiac output
  • total blood volume
  • hematocrit
  • the size of the heart valves

17. the aorta receives blood from the:

  • pulmonary veins
  • right ventricle
  • left ventricle
  • pulmonary artery

18. the right ventricle pumps blood to the:

  • pulmonary artery
  • pulmonary veins
  • aorta
  • right atrium

19. ventricular systole refers to:

  • contraction of the ventricular myocardium
  • ventricular filling
  • ventricular depolarisation
  • the opening of the valves of the ventricles

20. most of the symptoms of acute left-sided heart failure are:

  • confined to the lower extremities, as in pedal edema
  • cured by an antibiotic
  • respiratory in nature (e.g., dyspnea, orthopnea)
  • relieved by morphine