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6. what is a feature of low density lipoproteins

  • they carry cholesterol from the liver to the cells of the body
  • they carry cholesterol from the cells to the liver
  • they get rid of cholesterol

7. what happens to the metabolic rate after exercise

  • it increases
  • it stays high for a while
  • it decreases

8. what is a big problem with bacteria

  • they produce toxins
  • they reproduce rapidly
  • they make us sick

9. what can a vaccination involve

  • injecting an inactive form of the pathogen and stimulate immunity
  • makes us feel sick afterwards
  • makes us immune

10. what is a function of an antibody

  • to lock onto antigens
  • to kill an antigen
  • to make us feel better

11. what do white blood cells do to combat pathogens

  • they invest and destroy them
  • they kill them
  • they produce antibodies

12. what is a pathogen

  • a desease causing microorganism
  • something that makes us sick
  • a microorganism that makes us better

13. what is best to have for a healthy heart

  • a high proportion of hdl to ldl
  • low proportion of hdl to ldl
  • a high proportion of ldl to hdl