health 3

when somone has been put into an institution for a long period of time eg. a care home or hospital
1 of 10
this is a short offical statement that an organisation will make about the work which it does and why
mission statement
2 of 10
a care system that combines public/voluntary and the private sectors
mixed economy of care
3 of 10
the requirements of an individual to allow them to achieve, maintain or restore an acceptable level of social independence or quality of life
4 of 10
service standards for specific areas of care practice that are defined by the government. care organisations are expected to provide levels of delivery that achieve these standards
national service frameworks
5 of 10
getting to know lots of professionals from different departments
6 of 10
making someone's life as normal as possible for them usually used with disabled service users
7 of 10
the physical needs of a person and how to support them in thier own home so that they can retain independence
occupational assessment
8 of 10
an organisations assumptions, values and beliefs about the best way to carry out work and treat both employs' and serivce users
organisational culture
9 of 10
this is the culture where an individual is the central focus of an organisation. often occurs within small or private organisations
person culture
10 of 10

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Card 2


this is a short offical statement that an organisation will make about the work which it does and why


mission statement

Card 3


a care system that combines public/voluntary and the private sectors


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


the requirements of an individual to allow them to achieve, maintain or restore an acceptable level of social independence or quality of life


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Card 5


service standards for specific areas of care practice that are defined by the government. care organisations are expected to provide levels of delivery that achieve these standards


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