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6. the emotional impacts

  • they feel like any other person because they just dont care that they have the disorder
  • frustrated because they cant do activities with friends (lack of energy) ; annoyed of the coughing and pain of infections ; upset because they arent as independent as other their age ; embarressed as they know they are different to others
  • dispessed because it is a horrible disorder and makes them feel lonely because they dont as many people as other their age because they cant get out of the house
  • happy because they like to be different

7. environmental barriers

  • Specialist CF clinic may be a long way from the family home and difficult to access. ; if in wheel chair they wont have the ability to go up and down steps or stairs and paths are sometime too narrow to go down
  • there is no enviromental barriers of cf
  • people stare too much when out in public when in a wheel chair and has cructers
  • public buses and trains are too difficult to get on and offf do to the lack of mobility that they have

8. societal barriers

  • they dont go out anywhere because they cant move so they dont see people that they want to see or their family and they dont come to see them at home
  • Ignorance - lack of knowledge about CF which leads to low expectations from teachers when CF does not affect intellect.; Assuming child cannot participate in physical activity when in fact it is encouraged to dislodge mucus.;
  • no one want to be friends with someone with CF because they are different to them and they may get embarrssed to hang out with them
  • there is no societal barriers of CF

9. economic barriers ;

  • some one with cf have to spend so much money of different thing to help them so they dont have alot of money
  • time off work means they dont get as much money
  • Opportunities to work may be limited which leads to a reliance on benefits.;Specialist CF clinic may be a long way from the family home and so incur travelling and parking costs to attend.;
  • there are no econiomic barrier of cf

10. medication

  • anything
  • anti biotics, painkillers, precusions, dietry suppliments,
  • nothing can help
  • just antibiotics

11. social impact

  • gets bullied all the time because they are different to them
  • family disown them because they never see each other
  • hard to maintain friends ships because they spend less time at school and dont join in in activities with friends ; wont go out as much due to lack of energy and being embarrssed;
  • everyone understands and wants to help they get through it so they are never alone

12. eductaional barriers

  • dont turn up to school because they are always getting bullied so they dont do the work currectly so they arent doing well in the lesson that they are taking because they arent getting the information that they need
  • there is no educational barriers
  • Poor provision e.g. Not providing a private room/ bath room for percussion.
  • teachers cant be asked to try and teach a cf person because they are too diffiecult to work with and they cant focus on the work

13. what is CF

  • an in heritaed condition
  • it is a inherited genetic disorder that cause thick sticky musus in the lungs and digestive system
  • its an illness that causes infections and inflation to the stomach
  • it is a mental illness

14. financial impact

  • get disability benefits to help pay for different things that they may need; the pay for equiptment will cost them money so they ; travelling to appointment will cost ; parking will cost ;
  • there is no financial impacts
  • get loads of money given to them to help with the financial things that they have to go through
  • they get every thing for free as they have a disability or a condition

15. syptoms

  • just pain and weakness
  • salty skin, small, poor weight gain, imflation in stomach area due to infection, constand coughing . chest infection, weakess, late puberty
  • cant chew their own foods, forgets things easily, and ways getting different illnesses
  • being sick, cant walk, cant eat, infections , coughing, trouble with speaking

16. what is a interlectual impact of cf

  • they find it hard to focus on their work because they have to keep leaveing the lesson when coughig and having precusions
  • time of school for appointment causes the child to miss out on lessons so they may drop grades ; learn knew things about the disorder ; but this disorder should affect the brain so they shouldnt be impacted on their learning
  • they have a learnign disorder that coimes with cf
  • they cant learn thing as they get distarcted easily

17. employment barriers

  • employers dont even entertain people with CF becayse they know that they wont do their job properly which will cause the business to go down hill. also peopel with Cf cant walk so they wont be any use to the business
  • Employers may be inflexible and make it difficult for people with CF to take time off for hospital appointments.;Flexi-time to enable someone with CF to not work when they are weak.
  • no one wants to employ a person with Cf because they wont be able to do the job properly
  • there is no employment barriers