health & social care

what makes a good social carer
being: a good listener, understanding, sympathetic, empathetic, gentle but firm, parent figure
1 of 5
what types of care are they
primary care - the first person you'd go to. secondary care - the person you are reffered to. alied care- specialist care that suits the issue
2 of 5
foster care ?
you could do this if you cannot carry a baby or if you want to foster in general. children could stay from 1 night, to years
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residential care
where you live in the place that gives you care. eg. care home. paid, trained people deliver this care and are more proffesional when doing this job
4 of 5
youth worker
workers hold a club or activities aimed at youth. they can help people who are struggling with different issues. it could also simply be to have fun and relax in a different environment
5 of 5

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Card 2


what types of care are they


primary care - the first person you'd go to. secondary care - the person you are reffered to. alied care- specialist care that suits the issue

Card 3


foster care ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


residential care


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


youth worker


Preview of the front of card 5


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