Health and social

How can you encourage language development for early childhood
-Take part in circle time, take part in group activities, imaginary play, share stories and rhymes, play word games and riddles
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Around 3 years- language development
Children begin to make simple sentences, such as ' i want a drink' This develops into the ability to ask questions. Knowledge of words grows quickly
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Around 4 years - language development
Children begin to use clear sentences that can be understood by strangers. Children are expected to make some mistakes with grammar
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5 years- language development
Children can speak using full adult grammar. Although vocabulary will continue to grow and formal grammar will continue to improve, most children are expected to use language effectively by 5 years old
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Key features of emotional development - EARLY CHILDHOOD
Children use imagination to understand social roles that other people play. Children begin to imagine a 'me' idea of self or self-concept.
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What play usually takes place in early childhood?
Associative play (3-4 years) and co-operative play (4-8 years)
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Card 2


Around 3 years- language development


Children begin to make simple sentences, such as ' i want a drink' This develops into the ability to ask questions. Knowledge of words grows quickly

Card 3


Around 4 years - language development


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


5 years- language development


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Key features of emotional development - EARLY CHILDHOOD


Preview of the front of card 5
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