Health and Social

  • Created by: Megg07
  • Created on: 13-01-17 18:44
Nature Influences
How tall we grow, our body shape and weight are influenced by genes from parents
1 of 56
Nurture Influences
The effects of the environment we live in
2 of 56
The change in size and mass
3 of 56
The new skills in capabilities
4 of 56
Grow closer and develop emotional ties
5 of 56
The bonding process between an infant or child and its carer
6 of 56
Seeing things from only your point of view
7 of 56
Demonstrating behaviour for others to copy
8 of 56
Temper Tantrums
Poor behaviour by children such as screaming an throwing themselves to the ground trying to get their own way
9 of 56
A period of physical changes caused by hormonal changes in the body
10 of 56
Abstract Thinking
The ability to think about something that might not be there or even exist
11 of 56
Peer Group
The influence of people similar in many ways to the individual concerned e.g. the same age and the same sex or class
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Physical Maturity
Having reached the peak of physical capabilities
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Metabolic Rate
The rate which the body burns up calories
14 of 56
To live together
15 of 56
Ageing Process
The biological change that takes place over time to the human body, affecting its structure and functioning e.g. Wrinkles
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Empty Nest Syndrome
The feeling of loss/ sadness when one or more children leave the family
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Mid-Life Crisis
A dramatic period of self-doubt caused by the passing of youth and the move onto later adult hood
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The natural and permanent stopping of menstruation (periods) occurring usually between the ages of 45 and 55
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Various brain disorders that have in common loss of rain function that is usually progressive and eventually sever
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Quality Time
Time spent relating closely to and focusing on others, why may not be more rewarding tat a longer period of time spent being less engaged
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The transmission of a particular quality or train from parent to off spring through their genes
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DNA ribbons that control a heredity characteristic
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A thread like piece of DNA that contains genes and transmits heredity information
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Having the most influence or control
25 of 56
Huntington's Disease
A heredity disorder affecting the central nervous system causing abnormal body movements; also known as Huntington's chorea
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Extended Family
A family that includes more than just one parents and children e.g. Grandchildren, uncles and aunts
27 of 56
A practise or way of acting that is a habit or usual
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Set of principles by which people lead their lives
29 of 56
Primary Socialisation
The influence of carers on a child's values, attitudes and behaviour
30 of 56
Distinctive patterns of human activity and ways of life in a group
31 of 56
Including a range of ethnic and cultural group
32 of 56
Sense of emotional sexual and affectional attraction to others
33 of 56
Sexual Orientation
The direction someone's sexuality takes e.g. Towards men and women
34 of 56
Civil Ceremony
A lega ceremony with no religious elements conducted by a registrar having the same legal validity as a traditional marriage
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Arranged Marriage
A marriage arranged by a person other than the person getting married
36 of 56
The legal arrangements about who is responsible for a child after divorce
37 of 56
The legal ending of a marriage
38 of 56
Manual Work
Work that requires the use of physical skills
39 of 56
Non-Manual Work
Work that depends primarily on mental skills
40 of 56
Being rich and having a plentiful supply of goods and money
41 of 56
Money earned over a period of time
42 of 56
Despite benefits having insufficient money to afford essentials to live
43 of 56
A large densely populated urban area traditionally one with a cathedral through city status is now granted by the queen
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An urban area that is smaller than a city and has a fixed boundary
45 of 56
In an area with a population of fewer than 2500 people
46 of 56
A resident area round the edges of a major city
47 of 56
How you see yourself
48 of 56
How you value yourself
49 of 56
Self concept
A combination of self-image and self-esteem
50 of 56
A group of people connected through blood relations marriage and co residents
51 of 56
Bring into society, train or guide to be a part of a social group
52 of 56
When someone dies the period of loss during which grief takes place
53 of 56
Peer Group Pressure
The influence of the social group you belong to
54 of 56
Intimate relationship
A close relationship involving sex
55 of 56
Sexual relationship
A close relationship involving sex
56 of 56

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The effects of the environment we live in


Nurture Influences

Card 3


The change in size and mass


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The new skills in capabilities


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Grow closer and develop emotional ties


Preview of the back of card 5
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