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6. Lacto-Ovo

  • They eat eggs + dairy
  • eats eggs but no dairy
  • eats dairy but no eggs

7. Fairtrade Definition

  • Allows proper conditions for unprivileged people
  • Ensures that people who supply the materials for products - such as cotton or clothing have been paid a fair amount
  • Makes sure all food products are safe and come from reliable sources

8. Vitamin A

  • Collagen and Helps Absorption of Blood
  • Healthy Skin and Night Vision
  • Insulin and Skin

9. Lacto Vegetarian

  • Eats dairy but no eggs
  • eats eggs but no dairy
  • Eat eggs + dairy

10. Function of energy

  • Maintaining constant body temp
  • Helps absorption of iron

11. Saturated Fats

  • Solid + Animal Source
  • Liquid + Plant Source

12. Iron

  • Makes Collagen
  • Forms Haemoglobin, responsible for carrying oxygen around the body
  • Vital for strong bones + teeth

13. Where is energy stroed

  • liver and muscle cells
  • blood + stomach
  • stomach + liver
  • lungs + intestines

14. Function of energy

  • Growth and repair of body tissue
  • Makes collagen
  • Insulin and Skin

15. Vitamin D

  • Works with calcium to help form strong bones + teeth
  • Helps absorption of iron
  • Helps makes energy out of what we eat

16. Vitamin C

  • Night Vision and Healthy skin
  • Collagen and Helps Absorption of Blood
  • Works with Calcium to form strong bones

17. Consumer Rights Act 2015

  • Fit for Purpose, Suitable Buyer Trust, As Described
  • Satisfactory Quality, Fit for Purpose, As Described
  • Money back if claimed

18. Functions of Fat

  • Protects Vital Organs, Energy, Muscluar Gains
  • Energy, Protect Vital Organs, Provides Insulating Layer
  • Energy, Collagen, Provides Insulation