Growth in Animals and Plants

  • Created by: 13Mada
  • Created on: 31-01-17 14:44
When a group of similar things, such as cells, become different in form from each other
1 of 7
A permanent increase in the number or size of cells in an organism
2 of 7
A 1/100th division of a group. For example, 10 per cent of the data items are below the 10th percentile and 50 per cent are below the 50th percentile.
3 of 7
When cells gets longer (such as a cell in a plant root or shoot before it differentiates into a specialised cell).
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A small area of undifferentiated cells in a plant, such as near the shoot tips and root tips, where cells are dividing rapidly by mitosis.
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Cell found on the surface of plant roots that has a large surface area to absorb water and dissolved mineral salts quickly from the soil.
root hair cell
6 of 7
Cell that joins with other xylem cells to form long, thick-walled vessels after they die. The vessels carry water and dissolved mineral salts through the plant.
xylem cell
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Card 2


A permanent increase in the number or size of cells in an organism



Card 3


A 1/100th division of a group. For example, 10 per cent of the data items are below the 10th percentile and 50 per cent are below the 50th percentile.


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Card 4


When cells gets longer (such as a cell in a plant root or shoot before it differentiates into a specialised cell).


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Card 5


A small area of undifferentiated cells in a plant, such as near the shoot tips and root tips, where cells are dividing rapidly by mitosis.


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