Group 2

Why are group 2 elements known as reducing agents?
They add electrons to the another species and they reduce them
1 of 12
Describe the reactivity down the group
The first and second ionisation energies decrease because the the atomic radius and sheilding increases so the attraction between the outer electron and the nucleus decreases so electrons are removed easily hence reactivity increases
2 of 12
Describe the Melting point down the group
Melting point decreases because the strength of the metallic bonding decreases as the cation size increases therefore there is less attraction between the action and the delcocalised electrons.
3 of 12
What are the products made with water and a group 2 element
either H2 and M(OH)2 or MO and H2
4 of 12
What are the product made when oxygen is added to a group 2 element
An oxide
5 of 12
what product is made when a group 2 oxide and water is added
a hydroxide (alkaline solution)
6 of 12
What is used as milk of magnesia
7 of 12
What is used to neutralise acidic soil
8 of 12
What is used for furnice lining
9 of 12
What is the trend of solubilty down the group
It increases
10 of 12
What producrs are formed when a group 2 reacts with an acid e.g HCl
MCl2 and H2
11 of 12
What can obsercations can be made when and acid and group 2 element react
bubbles, heat, exothermic
12 of 12

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Card 2


Describe the reactivity down the group


The first and second ionisation energies decrease because the the atomic radius and sheilding increases so the attraction between the outer electron and the nucleus decreases so electrons are removed easily hence reactivity increases

Card 3


Describe the Melting point down the group


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the products made with water and a group 2 element


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the product made when oxygen is added to a group 2 element


Preview of the front of card 5
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