Gross Negligence Manslaughter

Process to answer application questions to gross negligence manslaughter.

The Act
Coroners and Justice Act 2009
1 of 20
D has responsibility to act & either...
1) Really should have done something & didn't. OR 2) Does something lawful so badly that we can hold them responsible for the death.
2 of 20
R v Adomako
Anesthetist didn't realise the oxygen tube had disconnected & patient died. Held as gross negligence manslaughter.
3 of 20
R v Broughton
Newest version of R v Adomako. Girlfriend took drugs at festival & reacted badly, boyfriend stayed with her but didn't seek medical assistance. NOT gross negligence manslaughter, couldn't prove causation that she wouldn't have died if she had help.
4 of 20
Duty of care
If you are doing something you have a duty of care to whoever may be affected.
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Contractual, captain knew he was using contaminated fuel, people died when the ship broke down.
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Creating a dangerous situation
Evans - Sister got drugs for V, when she started overdosing the mum & sister didn't seek medical help. Mum = statutory. Sister = created dangerous situation.
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R v Khan & Khan
D supplied V with heroin & then left when she showed signs of overdosing.
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What if the 'contract' is unlawful
R v Wacker - D had 80+ immigrants in back of truck, but didn't open air vents.
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Breach of duty
If D discharged or breached duty.
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R v Winters
Illegally storing fireworks in barn. Fire in another barn, firemen came & D said not to go in barn but didn't explain why. Firemen went in & some died. D breached duty because didn't do enough to discharge.
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Breach caused death
General rules apply: factual causation, legal causation, intervening acts.
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Risk of death
Not just health/safety/injury - serious & obvious.
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Serious = high risk of death, not just risk
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Girl rang doctor, he said rest for weekend & see her Monday, she died next day. Not many 12 year old's die of flu so wasn't serious risk.
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Clear & unambiguous, not just likely to be discovered on further investigation.
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Girl came in for glasses, doctor didn't realise eyes were bulging which was caused by swelling of brain, girl died. Without further investigation = not obvious.
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JustEat, peanut allergy so was risk of death. Obvious to reasonably prudent person in D's position.
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Bad enough to be considered criminal
Gross = Adomako - extent to which D's conduct departed from the proper standard of care.
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Beyond a matter of mere compensation.
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Card 2


1) Really should have done something & didn't. OR 2) Does something lawful so badly that we can hold them responsible for the death.


D has responsibility to act & either...

Card 3


Anesthetist didn't realise the oxygen tube had disconnected & patient died. Held as gross negligence manslaughter.


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Card 4


Newest version of R v Adomako. Girlfriend took drugs at festival & reacted badly, boyfriend stayed with her but didn't seek medical assistance. NOT gross negligence manslaughter, couldn't prove causation that she wouldn't have died if she had help.


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Card 5


If you are doing something you have a duty of care to whoever may be affected.


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