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6. How many participants were there?

  • 32
  • 39 (outlier with 40)
  • 37 (outlier with 38)
  • 40

7. What's the average of the mismatching MCQ condition?

  • 11.8
  • 12.7
  • 14.3
  • 13.2

8. What does SAQ mean?

  • Short answer questions
  • Silent answer questions
  • Similarity alternative quiz
  • Short able quiz

9. Was their a break before testing?

  • Yes
  • No

10. What was the theory used in this study?

  • Context-dependent memory
  • Social learning theory
  • Schema theory
  • Environmental influence

11. What was the ratio of participants

  • 18 male; 12 female
  • 23 male; 17 female
  • 12 male; 18 female
  • 17 male; 23 female

12. What does MCQ mean?

  • Major capacity quiz
  • Minor critical quiz
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Multiple calculation questions

13. What did the cassette play?

  • Chatter in a library at a university
  • Lunch time at a university
  • Loud music at a concert
  • People at a park

14. What data was produced?

  • Quantitative
  • Qualitative

15. What's the average of the matching MCQ condition?

  • 11.8
  • 13.2
  • 14.3
  • 12.7