
1) we dont know what reciprocity + interactional synchrony mean
reciprocity + interactional synchrony can be observed but we dont know what they mean. we dont know whether babies do it consciously + on purpose.
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2) observations of reciprocity + interactional synchrony get a lot of detail
when doing these observations the babies + mothers are usually filmed from more than one angle. this means that researchers can go back + anaylise their behaviour. babies also dont know they are being filmed so it increases the validity of findings..
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3) we dont know why reciprocity + interactional synchrony happen
people cant explain why these behaviours happen. we could just be observing simple facial expressions + body language. however there is evidence that these behaviours are linked to good quality mother-infant attachment, stress + moral development
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1) researchers are interested in different roles the father has
some researchers are interested in whether the father can have a primary caregiver role or a secondary caregiver role. some people believe the father has an important role in the development of a child, other say that they dont (and its j the mother)
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2) if the father has an important role then why do people grow up in lone parent families (without a father) and develop normally?
Grossmans research has suggested that the father can have an important role as the secondary caregiver in terms of 'play + stimulation'. other research says that the dad doesnt play a big role in the attachment of babies (and it is just the mother).
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3) why isnt the dad the primary caregiver?
some argue the dad isnt the primary caregiver bcos of biology. women have more of the hormone oestrogen which means they are more 'nurturing' . others say its bcos of gender roles where the women is expected to play the nurturing role in the family.
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Card 2


2) observations of reciprocity + interactional synchrony get a lot of detail


when doing these observations the babies + mothers are usually filmed from more than one angle. this means that researchers can go back + anaylise their behaviour. babies also dont know they are being filmed so it increases the validity of findings..

Card 3


3) we dont know why reciprocity + interactional synchrony happen


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Card 4


1) researchers are interested in different roles the father has


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Card 5


2) if the father has an important role then why do people grow up in lone parent families (without a father) and develop normally?


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