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6. what was the turning point for world war one?

  • schlieffen plan failure
  • Hindenburg and Ludendorff appointed as supreme command of the army
  • russian revolution 1917
  • british blockade

7. what did the British introduce in 1915?

  • submarine warefare
  • total war
  • the british naval blockade
  • bombing

8. what was the Burgfriede?

  • new economic solution
  • political truce between all parties within the Reichstag
  • series of quick battles in a war
  • middle class

9. why did Germany fail against the western front?

  • economic problems
  • french too strong
  • US troops
  • not enough men

10. when did Germany introduce Submarine warfare?

  • 1917
  • 1915
  • 1916
  • 1914

11. what was Siegfriede?

  • achievement of victory peace
  • surrendering
  • political truce
  • armistace

12. when did Germany request an armistace?

  • 30th july 1918
  • 21st march 1918
  • 29th september 1918
  • 18th august 1918

13. what was the aim of the schlieffen plan?

  • to prevent fighting a war on two fronts
  • to achieve weltpolitik
  • to conquer france
  • to speed up the war

14. what did the left want by the end of the war?

  • a compromise
  • a siegfriede
  • defeat the allies
  • keep fighting

15. what did the right want by the end of the war

  • an armistice with allies
  • to surrender
  • Siegfriede
  • to compromise with allies

16. what caused Russia to request peace with Germany?

  • they were pressured by other countries
  • october revolution
  • they were loosing the war
  • treaty of Brest-litovsk

17. name another cause for starvation.

  • bad weather conditions
  • no raw materials
  • conscription of agricultural labour
  • agricultural decline

18. who made up the 'silent dictatorship?'

  • Bethmann and Hindenburg
  • Hindenburg and Ludendorff
  • Bethamann, Ludendorff
  • bethmann and the Kaiser

19. what was the unexpected problem to the schlieffen plan?

  • they had run out of resources
  • there weren't enough men
  • the Belgian resistance was stronger than expected
  • the french were too quick