Germany 1918-1923

3 October 1918
Peace Note - From Prince Max of Baden to Woodrow Wilson. Wilson took 3 weeks to reply due to suspicions that Germany were using it to build up for a counterattack on the allies.
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22 October 1918
Friedrichschafen Strikes - Soldiers and sailors lost repect for their officiers
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28 October 1918
Wilhelmshaven Munity - Refused to obey orders from officers to attack Britain on th English Channel. This started the revolution.
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3 November 1918
Kiel Naval Munity - Sailors took control of the naval base. This movement began to pop up in cities.
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6 November 1918
Workers and Soldiers Councils + Revolts - Followed Kiel's lead. Government tied to meet demands but the mutinies spread. (Note: Most Soviet-like groups were made from patriotic Germans who wanted the Kaisers abdication and democracy.
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8 November 1918
Bavaria Proclaims it's a Republic - Bavarian monarchy disposed. Turning point as Max realises he's lost control.
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9 November 1918
SPD Calls for a Workers to Join the General Strike in Berlin -
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9 November 1918
Prince Max of Baden Announces Kaiser's Abdication - Can't govern the SPD without the Kaiser's abdication. Gives Ebert th job of Chancellor, leader of the SPD.
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November 9 19818
Germany Announces its a Republic - Scheidermann shouts it from the balcony of the Reichstag.
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5pm, 9 November 1918
Kaiser Formally Abdicates - Groener withdrew his support of the Kaiser.
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6 January 1919
Spartacist Uprising - Ill supported and organised, Rosa Luxemberg and Karl Leibknacht. Crushed by the Freikorps by the 12th.
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18 January 1919
Versailles Conference Begins
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19 January 1919
Elections for the Constituent Assembly - Women vote for the first time, SPD gain the majority.
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February 1919
SPD, DDP and Centre Coaliate - Scheidermann becomes Chancellor
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April 1919
Ruhr Strikes - Demanded workers councils, control of industry and shorter working hours.
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7 May 1919
Treaty shown to Germany for the First Time
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16 June 1919
Germany given 7 Days to Sign
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20 June 1919
Scheiderman's Coalition Collapses - Couldn't agree on whether to sign the ToV, Bauer replaces Scheidermann.
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22 June 1919
Reichstag Vote to Sign the ToV - Under the belief of fulfilment.
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28 June 1919
ToV Signed
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Law cutting working hours to 8hr, health insurance covers wives daughters and the disabled, Aid for Vets who couldn't work, widows and orphans. New Germany Youth group was created.
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12-13 March 1920
Kapp Putsch - Lüttwitz refused to let go of a Friekorps unit, Seekt and the army refused to crush the rebellion, ultimately crushed by a workers strike encouraged by socialist in the government. Bauer forced to resign, Furenbach becomes Chancellor.
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Hans Seekt becomes Commander-in-Chief, Red Army (50,000 Workers)
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March 1921
KPD Uprising in Saxony - 300/14000 members showed up, 145 killed, pushed people away from far-left extremism.
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August 1921
Mattias Erzberger Assassination - By Organisation Consul, signed ToV, lead armistice signing and was the German representative at the reparations committee.
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Reparations committee give Germany 6 days to agree on £6.6B as a reparations balance, Furenbach resigns, Wirth becomes Chancellor.
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January 1922
Economic Peril - Due to reparations.
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24 June 1922
Walther Rathenau Assassination - By Organisation Consul, Jewish, Foreign Minister, negotiated peace terms with the allies, participated in the signing of the armistice.
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June 1922
Germany ask for Holiday - From reparation payments for a year.
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July 1922
Law for the Protection of the Republic - After 376 political assassinations, Wirth resigns, Cuno becomes Chancellor.
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National Youth Welfare Act, Bismark Youth, Rapallo Agreement.
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January 1923
Franco-Belgian invasion of the Ruhr - Germany missed their reparation payment and shipment of timber, Cuno is replaced with Stresemann
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August 1923
Great Coalition - Stresemenn as Chancellor, DDP, DNVP, Z.
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September 1923
Passive Resistance Called Off
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4 November 1923
Bavarian Rebellion Called Off
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8 November 1923
Beer Hall Putsch - Ebert calls a national emergency, noon 2000 Stormtroopers marched into an military camp, 14 died.
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11 November 1923
Hitler Caught after Fleeing the Munich Putsch
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November 1923
Rentenmark Introduced - 4.2m = $1, SCHACT!
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November 1923
Stresemann asks for a New Reparations Committee - Of financial experts.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Friedrichschafen Strikes - Soldiers and sailors lost repect for their officiers


22 October 1918

Card 3


Wilhelmshaven Munity - Refused to obey orders from officers to attack Britain on th English Channel. This started the revolution.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Kiel Naval Munity - Sailors took control of the naval base. This movement began to pop up in cities.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Workers and Soldiers Councils + Revolts - Followed Kiel's lead. Government tied to meet demands but the mutinies spread. (Note: Most Soviet-like groups were made from patriotic Germans who wanted the Kaisers abdication and democracy.


Preview of the back of card 5
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