
What is Population Density?
An average number of people per square kilometer.
1 of 7
What is Densley Populated?
A lot of people who live there.
2 of 7
What is Sparsley Populated?
Very few people who live there.
3 of 7
What does sustainable mean?
Can be carried on without doing any harm.
4 of 7
Rural Urban Migration
This is the movent of people from villages to cities. Every year thousands of brazillians move into cities like Rio. They do so as a result of {push&pull factors}
5 of 7
A Favela
A slum in a South American city
6 of 7
A favela in Rio de Janerio
7 of 7

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Card 2


A lot of people who live there.


What is Densley Populated?

Card 3


Very few people who live there.


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Card 4


Can be carried on without doing any harm.


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Card 5


This is the movent of people from villages to cities. Every year thousands of brazillians move into cities like Rio. They do so as a result of {push&pull factors}


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