Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of these are an example of Hard Engineering?

  • Reprofiling
  • Beach Nourishment
  • Gabions
  • Living shoreline barrier

3. Which of these is true about Land Slide

  • Saturated soil flows down a slope.
  • Saturated soil slumps along a curved surface.
  • Blocks of rock slide downhill.
  • Fragments of rock break away from the cliff due to weathering.

4. What is Hydraulic Action?

  • When rocks dissolve in water
  • The rock being worn away by the waves and air.
  • When rocks are hurled.
  • Rocks repeatedly knock into each other getting smaller and smaller.

5. Which of these are an example of Soft Engineering?

  • Groynes
  • Gabions
  • Rock Armour
  • Sea walls


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