Genetics and Evolution

  • Created by: Nehaaxxx
  • Created on: 08-11-17 11:31
Definition of Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction is all the same genes and characteristics as the one parent.
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Definition of sexual reporoduction
Sexual reproduction is a mixture of genes and characteristics from two parents or two gametes.
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What is the gamete in plants?
Egg cells and pollen.
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What are the gametes in animals?
Egg cells and sperm.
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Definition of varaitaion
It is the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction.
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How many pairs of chromosomes are there in a normal human body cell?
There are 23 pairs.
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How many chromosomes are there in a human sperm cell?
There a 23 chromosomes in a human sperm cell.
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How many chromosomes are in a fertilised human egg cell?
There are 23 chromosomes in a fertilised human egg cell.
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What makes identical two?
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What makes egg and sperm?
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How many sets of chromosomes does body cells have?
Two sets
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How many sets does gametes have?
One set
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What happens in meiosis?
The genetic material is copied and then the cell divides twice to form four gametes,each with a single set of chromosomes.
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Are gametes the same or different from each other?
They are genetically different from each other.
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What happens with gametes?
Gametes join up at fertilisation to restore the normal number of chromosomes.The new cell divides by mitosis. The number of cell increases as the embryo develops, the cells differentiate.
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What is fertilisation?
Each sex cell has a single set of chromosomes. When two cells join together during fertilisation the single new cell is formed and has a full set of chromosomes.
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What does DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic acid
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Where is DNA found?
It is found inside the nuclei of all your cells.
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What are our chromosomes made out of?
They are made out of long molecules of a chemical known as DNA.
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What happened in the year 2003?
Scientists announced that they had managed to sequence the human genome.
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What is the human genome?
It is an organism's gentic material that includes chromosomes, genetic material, mitochondria and DNA.
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What is one reason human genome is useful?
The human genome helps us to understand more about inherited disorders.
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What is a gene?
A gene is a small section of DNA on a chromosome. Each gene codes for a particular sequence of amino acids that makes up specific protein.
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What does the genome help us to understand?
The human genome helps us to understand more about human evolution and history.
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What is inheritance?
Inheritance is when you carry genetic information from the chromosomes to form the genes.
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What is homozygote?
It is an individual with two individual with two identical alleles for characteristics.
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What are example of homozygote?
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What is heterozygote?
It is an individual with two different alleles.
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What is an example of heterozygote?
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What is a genotype?
It describes the alleles present of an individual characteristics.
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What is a phenotype?
It describes the physical appearance of an individual particular characteristics.
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What is a diploid cell?
It is one that has chromosomes in pairs.All human body cells are diploid they have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
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What is a haploid cell?
It is one that does not have chromosomes in pairs.
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What is an example of haploid cell?
gametes, sperm cells, egg cells
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What us a allele?
An allele is different forms of the same gene.
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What is a dominant allele?
A dominant allele is one that expresses itself in a person's character.It is represented by upper case alphabet.
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What is a recessive allele?
A recessive allele is one that cannot express itself in presence of the dominant allele.
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What is present in a genetic disorder?
There is a faulty allele in a genetic disorder.
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What is Cystic Fibrosis?
It is an disorder of the cell membranes of the cells that line our airways. As a result the cilia cannot sweep the dirty mucus away to the back of the throat.
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Is cystic fibrosis dominant or recessive?
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What is a carrier?
It is a person who carries an faulty allele but does not suffer from the disease. Instead the carrier could pass it on to the next generation
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What is Polydactyly?
It is when you have an extra finger or an extra toe
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Is Polydactyly dominant or recessive?
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What is the sex chromosomes of a female?
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What is the sex chromosomes of a male?
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What can the inheritance of a sex be shown by?
Punnett square
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Is there any cure for genetic disorders?
No not at the moment
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What are the two genetic tests called?
Amniocentesis and choronic villus sampling.
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What is amniocentesis?
The baby in the womb is present in a sac the structure and this sac has a fluid called the amniotic fluid. This fluid contains the cells of the fetus. Through a syringe some of the amniotic fluid is taken.
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What happens after the DNA is taken? (amniocentesis)
The DNA is isolated from the cells and the DNA is then analysed for the presence of faulty alleles?
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When is amniocentesis test done?
It is done at 14-16 weeks of pregnancy.
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What is chronic villus sampling?
Some of the tissue from the developing placenta is removed and the placenta contains the cells of the embryo. These cells are then separated. The DNA is isolated and the checked for any faulty alleles.
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When is the chronic villus sampling test done?
10-12 weeks of pregnancy
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What is the method of testing the unborn baby?
Genetic embryo screening
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What are issues related with embryo screening?
1. can cause miscarrige. 2. very expensive 3. these tests are not 100% accurare 4. People might abort the child this could be against religious beliefs
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What are advantages with embryo screening
1. it is useful 2. could raise any ethical issues.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Definition of sexual reporoduction


Sexual reproduction is a mixture of genes and characteristics from two parents or two gametes.

Card 3


What is the gamete in plants?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the gametes in animals?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Definition of varaitaion


Preview of the front of card 5
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great help thank you

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