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Card 6


23 pairs of chromosomes that make up your genetics. 22 pairs are shaped ** and the 23rd chromosome decides your gender. If you are a female, your 23rd chromosome will be **. The Y chromosome instructs the baby to produce androgens, which then causes


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Card 7


Babies with this condition are XY - so genetically they are male. But they have no receptors for androgens, so although the testes develop, and release testosterone, the developing baby does not respond to the hormone, so is not masculinised as norma


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Card 8


This is where a child/baby has male chromosomes but doesn't react to androgen's to develop female genitals, though they have a non-functional vagina. They are usually raised as girls but sometimes at puberty the androgen's kick in and they become mal


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Card 9


Pregnant monkeys were injected with androgens - gave birth to females with masculine genitalia - they were threatening and aggressive and wanted to mount other females


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Card 10


Developed male genitalia in the womb - had his penis chopped off in a surgical accent - given female hormones - parents dressed him as a female but later when he hit puberty he wanted to play with boys - shows importance of genes, particularly over h


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Card 11


Gender consistency will affect how a child views their gender. Exposure to gender stereotyping in the media will not in itself encourage stereotypical gender behaviour


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