Other questions in this quiz

2. BSRI has 60 Questions and a 7 point scale , how are masculine and feminine catergorised

  • masculine results from high score on M items and low on F items, feminine results from high score on M items and low in N items
  • masculine results from high score on M items and low on F items, feminine results from high score on N items and low in M items
  • masculine results from high score on M items and low on F items, feminine results from high score on F items and low in M items
  • masculine results from high score on M items and low on F items, feminine results from high score on F items and low in N items

3. What is a issue with Bem's use of questionairres

  • they're subjective and bias as they often result in reponse bias as the awnsers maybe influenced by social desirability bias
  • they're weak and bias as they often result in reponse bias as the awnsers maybe influenced by social desirability bias
  • they lack bias

4. what are the masculine, feminine and neutral items on the BSRI?

  • M - dominant, competative and athletic , F - gentle , affectionate and sympathetic , N - sincere , friendly and unpredictable
  • N - dominant, competative and athletic ,M - gentle , affectionate and sympathetic , F - sincere , friendly and unpredictable
  • F - dominant, competative and athletic , M - gentle , affectionate and sympathetic , N - sincere , friendly and unpredictable
  • M - dominant, competative and athletic , N - gentle , affectionate and sympathetic , F - sincere , friendly and unpredictable

5. Outline and explain one strength of the BSRI?

  • developmemnt of the scale involved 50 males and 50 females judging 200 traits in terms of gender desirability, the top 20 were used. it was piloted on 100 students that strengthening validity, also has poor high test-retest reliability
  • developmemnt of the scale involved 50 males and 50 females judging 200 traits in terms of gender desirability, the top 20 were used. it was piloted on 100 students that strengthening validity, also has high test-retest reliability
  • developmemnt of the scale involved 50 males, judging 200 traits in terms of gender desirability, the top 20 were used. it was piloted on 100 students that strengthening validity, also has high test-retest reliability
  • developmemnt of the scale involved 5000 males and 5000 females judging 200 traits in terms of gender desirability, the top 20 were used. it was piloted on 100 students that strengthening validity, also has high test-retest reliability


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